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Thursday, January 17, 2013

More And More Americans Want Pot Legal

(CNN) -- Last week, my op-ed in favor of cannabis legalization ran on CNN.com. This week marks three years since I first wrote that marijuana should be legal. I'm amazed at how the debate has changed in just a few years. 

I was inundated with messages from readers, and was humbled by some of them. 

Here's one from a Southern Baptist church pastor: "I have seen firsthand the heartache caused by America's prohibition against marijuana. I have visited young men in prison, who I knew in my heart should not be there ... It is time for us to speak out and tell the truth about marijuana ...


  1. This is just amazing. For the last 20 years governments have been railing against drunk driving, now all of a sudden they want to make another intoxicant legal. At least with alcohol it is easy to detect if someone is under the influence. With marijuana,at least at this time, they can only tell if someone has smoked it, but not how much THC is in their system and there are no standards as to how much it take to impair one ability to function.
    But in todays society I guess if it feels good go for it and just worry about the consequences later.

    1. Come off it.how many traffic fatalities have occurred from pot? How many accidents? I M not sure the exacts but I do know there is only a fraction compared to alcohol.and to compare pot and it's effects to alcohol is asinine.heck a person can even smoke themselves sober.you can only get so high from pot.but alcohol...the more you drink the worse you get.it's time ignorant people like you educate yourself before you speak of what you know nothing about.

  2. Wonder what the "authorities" will do with those people rotting in prisons in Colorado and Washington on cannabis charges?

  3. Whenever a big pot bust occurs locally the police and politicians act like they've saved the planet.You might think it was heroin.Any time entire vehicles are dismantled and refitted to transport pot an enlightened person should get the message.I don't now,nor have I ever smoked pot,but we need to eliminate all of the sneaky people who transport pot for a living.Legalization would do just that,but remember,the dealers are the ones who DO NOT want it legalized.Think about that.

  4. 11:05 So if we are going to keep alcohol legal it is only fair to make pot legal too.

  5. Go google these exact words....traffic fatality statistics Comparing marijuana and alcohol.......get educated.these studies speak for themselves.

  6. If it saves just one life!!!

  7. 11:05 THC builds up in the system over time; alcohol is broken down in the system in the course of hours, while THC metabolizes in the fat cells, and is broken down over the month. To test someone and charge them for having THC in the blood, for what could have been two weeks ago, would be biased, and with a good lawyer, dismissed from court. It is not the same thing.

  8. Just what America needs-a bunch of potheads walking around stoned smoking joints in public.

  9. 3:20, I am virtually certain that they will cause less harm than the drunks we have right now walking around sloshed in public, or worse, driving.

  10. Everyone would be surprised how many successful, normal people you interact with on a daily basis who smoke regularly.

  11. I just want a nice sturdy hemp rope that doesn't stretch 20% like that cheesy nylon stuff. The kind they used on ol' iron sides and at Mt. Vernon.


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