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Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-17-13A

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-17-13":

I stumbled across this. Comparing you and the Mayor, I gave you 8 out of 8 and the Mayor 4 out of 8.

8 leadership lessons from Martin Luther King by Michael Hyatt

Insight 1: Great leaders do not sugar-coat reality.

Insight 2: Great leaders engage the heart.

Insight 3: Great leaders refuse to accept the status quo.

Insight 4: Great leaders create a sense of urgency.

Insight 5: Great leaders call people to act in accord with their highest values.

Insight 6: Great leaders refuse to settle.

Insight 7: Great leaders acknowledge the sacrifice of their followers.

Insight 8: Great leaders paint a vivid picture of a better tomorrow.


  1. If I was Bassett I'd run as far away from Tighlman, Dunn, Louise Smith and Jim Ireton as I could get. That is what got him where he is today, it's not Joe Albero's fault.

  2. My score was:
    Alberto 7
    Ireton 2
    I honestly tried to give Ireton credit for as many as I could, but could not come up with 4.

  3. Interesting list. Ireton is good at urgency. EVERYTHING is urgent with him.

    Not on the list: Great leaders tell people anything they want to hear to get their vote and use their friends to further themselves politically.

    Oh, right. NOT a leadership quality. Sorry, Ireton.


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