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Thursday, January 10, 2013

NRA ‘Disappointed’ With Biden Meeting For Proposing Restrictions On Guns

The National Rifle Association issued a statement following a meeting on gun violence with Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday, saying it was "disappointed" with how much the conversation focused on limiting the Second Amendment.

"We were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment," read the statement. "While claiming that no policy proposals would be “prejudged,” this Task Force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners - honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans."



  1. What did he honestly think he was going there for Ice-cream?

  2. The NRA is tone deaf.

  3. Joe, what did you think about Alex Jones' appearance on Piers Morgan tonight? I loved seeing him speak the truth about what the government is really trying to do with these so called "gun control" arguments they are making.

  4. The WH refuses to discuss the core problems with the appropriate groups. Big Pharma is making bank on Ritalin, so let's leave the Medical community out of the picture. Same with the Psych industry. Introducing a Basic Morals class and the Studies of the worlds' religions? HA! Why discuss anything of the sort!

    No, keep the causes alive and well in order to have these catastrophes around to push Gun Control agendas. That's how to not handle it...oh, and let's consult Hollywood, the REAL experts on why these things happen! That will show everybody how smart we are!

  5. The NRA is tone deaf.

    January 10, 2013 4:44 PM

    I think you have that backwards.

    That seems to be a theme on here with certain commenters.

    Maybe the don't even read the articles?

  6. I agree 5:25. What all of these shooters (young men) have had in common is they were on either Ritalin or some other anti psychotic drug.
    The Psych industry at the urging of the public school systems are drugging kids into uncaring unfeeling zombies.
    It's time to face these facts. School shooting are a new phenomenon. Firearms aren't.
    It's defies common sense to place blame on firearms and to say it is the fault of an innate object is nothing short of idiocracy.
    But what can be expected from a nation "educated" at government run schools where common sense is not taught and forward critical thinking is nonexistant.

  7. The NRA's refusal to have an open-minded conversation about this issue is what will render them obsolete in the not too distant future. Rational people on BOTH sides realize there has to be an open and honest discussion about the availability and proliferation of guns and mental health care in the USA. The NRA's refusal to engage in these talks will result in gun control advocates getting their way more so than gun owners. La Pierre has routinely come across as another close-minded gun nut, which only hurts the case of those who advocate for less restrictions. Alex Jones isn't doing gun owners any favors either, having temper tantrums on national TV, barely able to talk through his own fanatical conspiracy theories.

  8. 9:15 AM

    Take your meds Biden

  9. 9:20, Fine by me if you don't want a seat at the table either. Seriously, new laws will be put in place in the near future. BOTH sides have to agree on how we ALL move forward from here. If you don't want to come to a compromise like the rest of us non-polarized adults will have to do- then don't complain when your opinion isn't represented in the outcome. Clearly you aren't mature enough to own guns anyways...

  10. 9:47 AM

    I am however mature enough not to compromise on MY rights. I don't know why you are picking on NRA when it was clearly Biden who was playing the fool, as usual.

    My views are already on the table and have been since the 2nd amendment was penned.

    "Shall not be infringed". Do those words sound familiar? Do they mean anything to you?

    Sorry, I'm not one to jump on the 'feel good' wagon. More laws are not going to do one damn thing but collect dust like the other 2,000 or so other gun laws.

    I knew this was going to be a joke of a program as soon as obammy put biden in charge of it.

    He can't be put in charge of leading a group of men to the bathroom, let alone something this important.

    He is an embarrassment to the White House, Obama, this country and his home state of Delaware.

    Personally I don't care a whole lot which law they pass. I will continue to do as I have always done.

    You can hand over your guns if you like, that's on you. I will keep mine thank you very much.

  11. 9:47 AM

    You think there will be any guns in their possession?

    Washington (CNN) – With the stroke of a pen Thursday, President Barack Obama gave himself and his wife Secret Service protection for the rest of their lives.

    The new law, which passed the House and Senate in December, designates that all former U.S. presidents who served after January 1, 1997, along with their spouses, receive protection from the Secret Service for their entire lifetimes – meaning former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura are also covered. The law also stipulates that children of presidents receive protection until the age of 16.

    Lifetime government-provided security for former presidents was the law of the land until 1997, when Congress passed legislation limiting Secret Service protection to ten years after leaving office.

    The 1997 law said any president serving before January 1, 1997 would still receive the lifelong protection. That means with the law signed Thursday, every former president – Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush – along with Obama will continue to receive Secret Service details for the rest of their lives.

  12. 10:38 ... like it or not, BOTH sides need to figure out a COMPROMISE in order for ALL of us to move forward. If you want to stay locked up in your basement bunker like a child instead of sitting at the table, with the adults, to figure out where we go from here then that's fine. Have fun down there!

  13. 10:54 AM

    Compromise is for politicians, I am not a pol. You seem to be the child with your name-calling and innuendos.

    I am not hunkered down in any bunker and I never have been. It does not matter what law they pass. It will not affect anything except making crime levels go up. That has been proven over and over.

    I don't know why certain people refuse to see that. Their own agency, the F.B.I., shows that.

    They are only seeking to disarm U.S. citizens. And this compromise you keep chanting is akin to the frog in the pot of water. He doesn't feel it at first, and then it is boiled alive and he never seen it coming.

    Remember the US Constitution was written to restrict the government, not us. Once the 2nd Amendment is gone there is no way to protect ourselves from Hussein and his band of Communist thugs.

    History has shown repeatedly what happens when a government disarms its citizens. You think this government that we have is special? They won't do the same things as Hitler, Mao, Fidel and others have done because they are such nice guys?

    Not to resort to your level of name calling but you sir are a fool if you believe that.

    Try to look beyond the tip of your nose.

  14. The NRA has gained over 100,000 new members in the last 18 days

    You think they are hunkered down in any basement?

  15. Oh right, crazy people who believe in conspiracy theories can not be reasoned with. Never mind, As you were...

  16. 12:11 PM

    I cannot stop you from acting juvenile but I don't have to participate.

    Stay in your little bubble and believe everything you are told. Everyone is crazy except you.

    Everything I have stated is in history books and F.B.I. statistics. You can look them up yourself.

    I know you won't. You want to believe what sounds good.

    We are stuck on disagree and that's fine with me. Time will tell which of us is correct. If either of us is still alive to gloat.

    You need to go to the barber and get that wool trimmed that's covering your eyes. lol.

    But seriously, go compromise your life and rights away. I will die with mine intact. Cya, wouldn't wanna be ya.


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