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Thursday, January 10, 2013

$1 million Donations Wanted For Obama Inauguration

Planners of President Barack Obama's second inauguration are soliciting high-dollar contributions up to $1 million to help pay for the celebration in exchange for special access.

The changes are part of a continuing erosion of Obama's pledge to keep donors and special interests at arm's length of his presidency. He has abandoned the policy from his first inauguration to accept donations up to only $50,000 from individuals, announcing last month that he would take unlimited contributions from individuals and corporations.

A fundraising appeal obtained by The Associated Press shows the Presidential Inaugural Committee is going far beyond Obama's previous self-imposed limits and is looking to blow away modern American presidential inauguration fundraising records by offering donors four VIP packages named after the country's founding fathers.



  1. i wouldn't give him a plug nickel.

  2. I think it would be better to ask for $1 million dollar donations to people who have been hurt by this mans policies.

  3. A fool and his money are soon parted but I ain't the fool. Why does he need another inauguration, didn't he already have one?

  4. I thought they were allowing corporate sponsors? Perhaps JayZ and Beyonce could pony up some $$$

  5. All his rich friends that wont be affected by the "raise taxes on the rich BS" should pay for it all.

  6. Hold your breath. Ga' head.


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