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Thursday, January 10, 2013

WikiLeaks Case Likened To Civil War Espionage

FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) - Prosecutors are using a Civil War court-martial to advance their case that an Army private charged with sending hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the secret-spilling website WikiLeaks aided al-Qaida.

Lawyers for Pfc. Bradley Manning refute the government's claim that Manning's case parallels that of Pvt. Henry Vanderwater, a Union soldier convicted in 1863 of aiding the enemy by giving an Alexandria, Va., newspaper a command roster that was then published.

Vanderwater, a member of the 1st District of Columbia Volunteers, was sentenced to three months of hard labor and a dishonorable discharge.




  2. Oh please 4:50. The government would love to get rid of WikiLeaks and it's professional hackers because they are responsible for exposing the bastards in the govenment. Don't believe anything they say about WikiLeaks for one second. They would like everyone to think they aided al-qaida but it's another lie made up by the government because they are terrified Julian Assange (WL founder) will expose more of their own aberrant behaviour.

  3. Why is everyone picking on this poor guy? The Government (us) are paying to feed, shelter, and clothe him sure but he needs his freedom. So what that he may have joined the Military in order to have better access to same sex encounters. On the other hand, why is he permitted to wear the uniform and badges of those who have preserved out nation and protected its citizens? I faced execution when granted clearances. Why should this individual be treated any better? Is it because I kept my pledge?

  4. Treason during war time is a death sentance, that's the law! Shoot the little bastard, he harmed all of our service men and women and diplomats. he is a disgrace to his country and the uniform, BUT Obama likes it when America is disgraced, and he will let the guy live becouse he admires his actions! Obama commits Treason all the time! He tramples on the constatution and probly burns the flag out back!


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