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Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Ask Andy" -- We Need To Reform The National Flood Insurance Program


  1. That took some balls. Thanks, Andy!

  2. The government will never make it viable. Put it in the hands of the private sector and let "real" insurance companies handle premiums and payouts.

  3. 4:54 The government founded the National Flood Insurance Program because private insurers were refusing to insure properties in flood/hurricane prone areas.

  4. Well, 7:06, wouldn't you think Andy and 300 million others would be in favor of changing this decision? HUH? I mean, isn't that just what he said? Don't you listen when he says this system is "BROKEN AND NEEDS REPAIR"? He SAID that and you didn't understand and you think we need to keep up with the original "National" Idea?

    How's that Post office working out for you? Or the Social Security thing, or Medicaid? Insurance companies in America are not going belly up according to my local news, so why is an insurance company run by the Gov. going 3B in debt?

    Please refer to paragraph 2.

    Thanks, keep trying, though.


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