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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Wicomico Labor Force Data 02-11 Through 10-12

Publishers Notes: this upcoming budget cycle & public budget hearings should prove to very interesting - in light of the fact - that in Pollitt's budget he projected a 5.6 million dollar increase in State & local income tax revenues for Wicomico County.  This was all predicated on his interpretation that our local economy 'was beginning to pull out of this recession'.  Of course - the facts are not bearing this out.  If anything - it looks as though we going back into yet another recession.

Wicomico County Labor Force Continues Downward Spiral for 3rd In A Row - 91 Less Jobs In October 2012 verses October 2011

Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted - 02/11 through 10/12
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
CountyPeriodLabor ForceEmployedUnemployed     Rate (%)
= preliminary.SOURCE: BLS, LAUS


  1. The workforces are getting smaller and smaller as industries continue to downsize. I also do not foresee any significant upticks in employment in the near term future.

  2. The national economy was supposed to be pulling out of the recession,but it may have been a psychological ploy.If that seems to work on a national level the locals will try it as well.Psychology actually is a big part of a successful economy.Positive thinking does contribute significantly,but only somewhere in the 20% range.Cold hard facts and reality must accompany positive thinking.Otherwise the forward thinking won't matter.

  3. Response to 9:45

    I agree. That is why Fed Secretary
    Geithner wants to eliminate the debt ceiling altogether. That way - when the US debt rises from 17 trillion to 20+ trillion, the public psychology won't realize just how mammoth the debt really is.

    IMHO I think it is already to late. You and I both know that they - (democrats) - aren't going to cut anything. They are already talking about yet another stimulus.

  4. The treasury has been printing $85 billion a month for months now to help stimulate the economy. Myself I think those unemployment numbers are bit skewed but I guess if you count people working two part time jobs and still not making ends meet successfully, they are in line.

  5. It's those that are graduating from the HS & colleges that are really being effected. Just think - every 6 months another graduating college semester - and still no jobs. How many semesters can this continue with negative growth.

    If I were nearing college graduation, I would be looking to transition out of here.

  6. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but it is amazing to see that although the workforce is diminishing the number of unemployed is also decreasing. That is a sign showing as those drawing unemployment have exhausted their benefits are dropping out of the system, that many remain unemployed.

  7. You would never get this kind of coverage out of The Daily Times.

    I can see it now - The Daily Times reports as follows;

    Wicomico's Workforce Diminishes and Independence Card recipients flourish. Thus, local economy is booming.

  8. I noticed Regent airlines is vacating Salisbury. Not enough revenue here to support them.

    less passengers + expenses = exodus

    I wonder how many of the current businesses located in the industrial park will be there in 5 years. I'll be willing to bet you that 20% of them will be gone.

  9. Annon 3:10 you are right and yes, they are no longer counting those who have dropped out of the labor force due to no longer being eligible for State or federal benefits.
    The true unemployment rate is actually more like 25 percent+ .
    Also check out the numbers for those who are filing for disability or public assistance. It is the highest in this nations history! Even during the last great Depression!
    They also are not counting the under employed or the ones now working three days or less!
    The health care bill also doesn't help matters much.

  10. Allen says . . .

    I am quite sure that Obama's Health care bill has a lot to do with the stagnant Wicomico employment numbers. Would you want to expand when you don't know what the implications are for hiring more workers. I am told by upper management to find two workers to replace a full time workers making sure not to have them work any more than 30 hours per week.

  11. Responding to Scott -

    That is correct. Everyone should be aware that the total workforce number in Wicomico -(or for anywhere in America) - is a finite number. So naturally the unemployment rate will drop as each beneficary exhaust his or her benefits. The big question is - how many of those that drop out of the system are still unemployed and now unaccounted for. That is where the total workforce numbers are important. As you can see the workforce numbers are diminishing - and that tells you that the economy is getting worse. However, the Obama/O'Malley administration will try and distort this info and even go so far as to do a cover-up.

    Bottom line - you need as much information as you can in order to discern for yourself. That is why I like SBYnews and FOX.

  12. no one accounts for those of us that are making signficantly less than we were previously. I am considered employed, but living in poverty. No one cares about those figures. Its all a big lie, an illusion. Screw the government and their bogus numbers, they are meaningless.

  13. There is a lot of smoke and mirrors out there. An aweful lot of deception.

    I just wish america had some politicians with some scruples.

  14. I do not believe a lot of the information coming out of this county. For example, the 2012-2013 budget there were closed door meetings between the county executives office and Norman Conway. The county council was for the most part kept out of the loop. First they - (county executive's office) - came back and said there was a 14 million dollar maintenance of effort hole, then, they came back and said there was concensus to eliminate the 14 million and that it was some other new lower figure.

    My question - why all of these closed door meetings? Is not the public suppose to be part of the budgeting process. Why then - was the public being kept out of the negotiations?

    IMHO there is way to much secrecy regarding the county budgeting.

  15. So much for Pollitt's open government he promised when campaigning the first time around. He's listening too much to Obama and other hard core liberals to gather info. That's why the info keeps changing as different results occur.

  16. The budget was all fiction - right out of the gate.


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