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Saturday, December 01, 2012

Communist Party Praises Obama Victory

Praises blacks, Hispanics, women for working together to defeat 'white people'

“An enormous people’s victory.”

That’s how the political party of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels jubilantly celebrated the results of the 2012 presidential election in the United States, which will put Barack Obama in the White House for another four years.

The comment was in a report to the Communist Party USA national committee from the party’s chairman, Sam Webb.

“We meet on the heels of an enormous people’s victory. It was a long and bitterly contested battle in which the forces of inclusive democracy came out on top. The better angels of the American people spread their wings,” he wrote in the online report.

He said blacks, Hispanics and women worked together to defeat “racist … white people” and that it now is time for the Communist Party USA to work on the foundations established by Obama on issues regarding the environment, homosexual marriage and minorities to its potential.



  1. well isn't that so very special. we are to be admired by the communist party. and of course we are supposed to be proud of this accomplishment. how does this make you feel?

  2. Not the first time we have been under Tyranny in this Country; Wilson and FDR as well.

  3. Gee, they don't seem like a racist bunch now, do they? "We beat Whitey!" Niiiice!

    I'll be needing another country to live in. Anyone out there got any suggestions?

  4. Its time for everyone to stand up and say enough is enough. If that isn't a clear indicator of the path to tyranny we are currently on, what's left besides the re education camp and getting rid of the new terrorist threat. And al CIA duh is just a bluff for the real target, anyone who believes in the bill of rights. Wake up people Obama is the perfect front man for the globalist, socialist elite pulling the strings and violating our constitution! It's been done before people! But nooooo history's not important. Mau, Stalin, Lenin, Obama, you can lump em all together. The only difference here compared to china or Russia, it's done slowly in baby steps not to awaken the masses. Few cameras on every intersection here, tsa groping your mom mom there. Lil patriot act here, lil dab of Indefinite inprisonment there ( compliments of the NDAA signed by Obama on 12/31/11) it's getting ridiculous and every Obama supporter needs to be concerned with their rights to a fair trial and due process without being held indefinitely in an offshore facility without explanation. Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourselves! We are Rome 2.0

  5. 10:10, Obama supporters have been in and out of jail so many timed it's like a second home, and for many, it IS a second home when they get tired of paying the rent! That, unfortunately, is half our current population.
    That is also why I am looking for another country to live in Revolting against the government I can get along with. Revolting against over half out population would be a miserable experience.


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