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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

It Doesn't Matter

It’s really hard to ignore what’s happening today; the election phenomenon is global.
Over the last several weeks, I’ve traveled to so many countries, and EVERYWHERE it seems, the US presidential election is big news. Even when I was in Myanmar ten days ago, local pundits were engaged in the Obamney debate. Chile. Spain. Germany. Finland. Hong Kong. Thailand. Singapore. It was inescapable.

The entire world seems fixated on this belief that it actually matters who becomes the President of the United States anymore… or that one of these two guys is going to ‘fix’ things.

Fact is, it doesn’t matter. Not one bit. And I’ll show you mathematically:


  1. The country picked a fitting captain for that boat.

  2. yep captain of the failboat...

  3. Obama is still a fraud.
    His past sealed and character reinvented. He has yet to be vetted.
    He is a strong believer in redistribution. He is a strong believer in big Government micro control. He is a strong believer in affirmative action.
    His own regime actually pays women LESS money then the men.
    Again, America has been hoodwinked by a Chicago communist perfectly executing the politics of personal destruction based on misleading untruths, revisionist achievement..etc.
    Unemployment still at all time highs. More debt then the last 20 presidents combined. Taxes that will destroy the middle class coming in January.

    If you supported him, you are a fool. Time will prove that.
    Let's all hope there is something left of America when he is through.

  4. Well said 3:21. What to do now....
    I wonder what our founding forefathers suggested..... OH NO, I guess I'm starting to think like a Tea Party person. Actually the founders knew this day would eventually come when the the majority of people became self serving and would vote for a corrupt government that would continue to give them other people's money to maintain power. They also gave us a solution.....


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