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Wednesday, November 07, 2012


American voters have voted to keep President Obama in the White House for four more years.
After calling Obama to congratulate him, Romney declared, “This is a great time of challenges for America, and I pray the president will be successful in guiding our nation.”
He added, “I believe in America. I believe in the people of America. … Like so many of you, Paul and I have left everything on the field. We have given our all to this campaign. I so wish that I had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader and so Ann and I join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation.”


  1. If the republicans would have supported Ron Paul, we wouldn't be in this situation

  2. Romney was done in by an extremist Republican party and a party plank that just doesn't fly anymore.
    Get out of everyones bedroom, out of their bodies and stop pining for a life of the 1950's that didn't exist anyway.

  3. I will get out of your bedroom and bodies when you stop taking it out of my pocket to pay for it!!

  4. How does gay marriage take anything out of your pocket?

  5. 2:21; those of us raised in the 1950's were brought up with Biblical morals that this country was founded on. You are right, unfortunately, it doesn't exist anymore.......this election proved that!!

  6. first of all mitt romney is a mormnon not a christian.his religion views the book of mormon more than the bible.The state of utah the home base of this(church)has the highest rate of teen pregnancy and drinking. the church is run similar to a cult.go ahaed and google it.He was a poor choice of the republican party and lost very soundly.As far as gay marriage i challenge anyone to find me a bible verse were gay marriage is even mentioned....you cant. The republican party is lost in its right wing and cant find its way out....its called progress and most of you should be ashamed of your comments as americans...if you really cant take it here grow a pair and leave otherwise shut up.

  7. I'll never shut up 3:35 as long as I have breath in my body about how great America was and could be but standing in our way is a muslim named Obama - out to destroy what was once known as a great and free country. He wants nothing more than to destroy everything America stands for.

  8. WOW 3:44, why not just shoot yourself and get it over with?

  9. I thought Romney showed a great deal of graciousness in his concession speech. He's setting a tone for the rest of the party to follow, but they won't. There are tough days ahead for this country and it's going to take a bipartisan effort to overcome them. Somebody has to have the humility to look beyond their agenda to what's best for the country. Not what's best for themselves or their party. I have little faith that the current leadership (Boehner and Reid both) will be able to accomplish anything unless they change the way they usually go about their business.

  10. If you want to live like the Amish, go live WITH the Amish.

    Oh... and IF a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his behind.

  11. 3:44...what a brainless twit you truly are...our country was a train wreck well before he took office so you can pretend to know what your talking about or continue crying over the fact that you man romney FAILED....nice but a two time loser ...speaks for itself

  12. 3:44 just a thought for you....for several years as this countries economy was loosing steam who was at the helm???? oohh thats right REPUBLICANS....who bailed out the rich banks....REPUBLICANS....who bailed out the auto indsutry possibly saving 5million jobs nation wide?keeping people working? that would be OBAMA a DEMOCRAT!!! the republican party is dying.....good ridance

  13. If the republicans would have supported Ron Paul, we wouldn't be in this situation

    November 7, 2012 2:11 PM

    I choose to believe that too.

  14. Anonymous said...
    3:44...what a brainless twit you truly are...our country was a train wreck well before he took office so you can pretend to know what your talking about or continue crying over the fact that you man romney FAILED....nice but a two time loser ...speaks for itself

    November 7, 2012 4:01 PM


    But it's ok with you and the other dimwits because it may have been bad before it got worse?!

    No wonder you and your ilk can't learn. You have no intelligent thought process.

    Hey, I know. Let's throw some gasoline on this house fire. It was already burning when we got here.

  15. WOW 3:44, why not just shoot yourself and get it over with?

    November 7, 2012 3:51 PM

    If he does, I hope he takes a few of you with him

  16. If you want to live like the Amish, go live WITH the Amish.

    Oh... and IF a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his behind.

    November 7, 2012 3:54 PM

    what the hell you babbling about?


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