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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Obama Hits Historic High with Hispanics, Winning 71 Percent

President Obama is on pace to set a record by winning 71 percent of the Hispanic vote, the largest margin of victory with Latinos in history.
Obama's performance with Hispanic voters is an uptick from the 67 percent he won in 2008, according to early exit polls. Their support might have put him over the top in a number of key swing states including Nevada, Colorado and Virginia, and could help him win Florida, which has yet to be called.
Mitt Romney veered hard to the right on immigration during the GOP primaries, and while his campaign made a push for Hispanic voters during the general election, its efforts were dwarfed by a heavy courtship by Obama and Democratic groups.


  1. I was guessing higher with the illegal Hispanic.

  2. And of that percentage ...... 80% were illegals that had no right to vote.

  3. Of course he did. They know who is going to give them the free stuff. This election made it obvious that the folks who really work for a living are outnumbered by the ones who do not work.

    It is truly the beginning of the end.

  4. I was telling a friend of mine that when I went to hand my Driver's license to the voting rep, she did not even look at it. However, she asked me my name, address, date of birth...hello! That is all on my Driver's license!

    Something about they are not allowed to ask for a Driver's license when walking up to vote. GEEESHH.
    And they wonder how OBAMA won....FRAUD!!!!

  5. Rupublicans need to study this statistic and pay attention.

  6. I am an American born of Hispanic descent. My parents came to US the LEGAL way. I am a registered Republican but have voted both ways in previous elections. I think the Republicans party needs to do a much better job of courting the Hispaninc vote. Instead of pandering as the Democratic party does. They will need Hispanincs to win in future elections.

  7. Ha ha, you guys constantly make statements about minorities being lazy and just wanting handouts, then you are soooo surprised when minorities don't want to identify themselves with your party. Again I say, hilarious!!

  8. 2:44, they just don't get it.

  9. we get it. Vote for me and its all free!!!!!!!

  10. One vote = one green card.

    Here ya go. That's a nice fellow. Oh, and don't forget your food stamps. Did anyone in your family want to go to college? We have a deal for you.

    Don't have a SSN? No problem. We will give you a tax id. instead.

    How about a driver's license? Insurance? Well, you're supposed to have it buuuut, I wouldn't worry too much about it. A lot of you guys don't have it and haven't had any trouble.

  11. 2:30 - I'm sincerely curious as to how you think the Republicans can court the Hispanic vote. Bush couldn't do it, even tho he has close family that are hispanic, he speaks the language, and he was moderately pro-amnesty. All the democrats offer is other people's money, yet that seems to get the vote. The republican msg this time around was jobs and an improved economy. How did that not appeal?

  12. Why do you think Hispanic voters would want to join the republican party when all you guys do is pick, tease, and make them feel unwanted. Who would want to be a part of that? This is not1822 its 2012. Get over it. I voted to give illegal immigrants in state tuition rates. Why not?

  13. The republican msg this time around was jobs and an improved economy. How did that not appeal?

    November 7, 2012 7:59 PM

    Simple. They don't want to WORK.

  14. I voted to give illegal immigrants in state tuition rates. Why not?

    November 7, 2012 8:34 PM

    Because they are ILLEGAL maybe? You are one stupid....

  15. re:7:59

    Among valid Hispanic voters there many entrepreneurs, college educated, homeownwers and quite religous. Similar qualities that can give appeal to Republicans. Among Hispanics there many differences. From race, to socio-economic status, to education. You can see from the many posters that people believe that all Hispanics must be illegal or children of illegals. It is simply not he case. A large % come here illegally while some are many generations removed from a Spanish speaking country (AZ,NV,CA, NM, TX) Majority of Cubans in south Florida are repubs.. While PR's in FL/NY and people of Mexican descent are majority Dems. People of Spanish speaking nations have been a part of American history from discovery, to Colanial Periods, revolutionary, and every major period of US history. Since the Repub party does virtually nothing to court Hispanics and recruiting would be a success.



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