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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Drone Targets Indianapolis: Massive Explosion Reported After CIA Drone Targets Indianapolis

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin this afternoon released by the Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) states that Kosmos 2479 detected the firing of two AGM-114 Hellfire missiles from a MQ-1 Predator drone yesterday being operated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over the United States city of Indianapolis that resulted in a massive explosion [photo 2nd left], and from local US media reports resulted in at least two deaths.

Kosmos 2479 is an early warning satellite launched in 2012 as part of the VKO’s Oko programme and monitors the US from geostationary orbit for all possible threats, including the tracking of American airspace for US Air Force and CIA fighter jets, bombers and drones.

The CIA’s MQ-1 Predator drones, equipped with two fearsome AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, have been described as President Obama’s “weapon of choice” and are currently most noted for bringing to Pakistan the same horror that Hitler’s doodlebugs inflicted on London during World War II.

According to this report, after the firing of these drone-missiles, two distinct trajectories were recorded which were “near simultaneously countermanded” by countermeasures employed by anAN/ALQ-99 airborne electronic warfare system aboard a US Air Force EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft that had been dispatched from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to track this CIA drone that had, apparently, deviated from its assigned flight track.


  1. So, was the drone hacked and commandeered by Iran? or Obama?
    Maybe Occupy wall street?

    It was not a "gas" explosion, experts have already admitted that.

    Wild times ahead for revolutionaries! Lets go!

  2. You cant believe anything that comes out of the kremlin

    1. And you can believe what comes out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave? Wake the hell up and smell the ashes of Benghazi.

  3. 9:43 Which Kremlin?
    The one in Moscow Russia? Or the one in Washington?

  4. Lets see, 1.6 billion rounds of ammo purchases by our loving government this year alone. Documents claiming libertarians and returning veterans are the biggest threat to national security. The national defense authorization act signed by Obama on 12/31/11 that allows US citizens to be heald indefinitely without trial. And now our first armed drone attack on US citizens. No doubt that was a missle strike with the level of destruction that took place. The white house has made no comment on this incident, but the denials are cominh by the end of the week. Cant wait to find out who the casualties were if they dont surpress that information

  5. I as well would love to see who the victims are.

  6. The white house will deny if they comment at all with the cia director soap opera they've created to distract the general news watching public from Benghazi and our first domestic drone strike.

  7. Of interest, the Air-Force does not fly EA6B Prowlers, they are a Navy/USMC resource....The would have been dispatched from Whidbey Island, WA or Cherry Point, NC.....

  8. 11:40 the victims more than likely have have compromising info on Obama ,Obama is like Clinton he eliminates people who can incriminate him.


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