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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

UPS Ends Grants to Boy Scouts Over Discrimination

The philanthropic arm of shipping giant UPS said it will no longer give money to the Boy Scouts of America as long as the group discriminates against gays, the second major corporation to recently strip funding from the scouts.

The UPS Foundation made the change Thursday after an online petition protesting its annual grants to the Boy Scouts attracted more than 80,000 signatures. UPS, based in Atlanta, follows computer chip maker Intel in withdrawing corporate support for the Boy Scouts.

The UPS Foundation gave more than $85,000 to the Boy Scouts in 2011, according to its federal tax return.



  1. This should give the postal service and fedx a boost. We are rapidly approaching Orwells great society where there will be no individuality or individual rights...

  2. Email to UPS: It is a shame that you have taken your position on not supporting the Boy Scouts of America, we are sorry to say we will no longer support you. Some ones sexual preference is their own and at the same time the BSA has an obligation to protect our little boys from even the possibility of endangering our sons. You apparently prefer to play the politics role instead. BSA is a privet organization like you are, should we try to dictate what you should believe in or don't believe in?

  3. So if UPS had a partial birth abortion drive in their parking lot, that would be ok b/c they are a private organization? Would the BSA still support their business at that point? Not attacking your opinion I am just wondering where the line start and ends with some people. And I fail to see how a persons sexual orientation will endanger their children.

  4. The Boy Scouts aren't discriminating against gays. Gays flocked to the Boy Scouts like flies on crap so they could get off on being around young boys and be in a more easier situation to molest them. Just like gays flocked to the priesthood so no one would be suspious that they weren't married and also so parents would tend to trust them.


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