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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


November 12, 2012 - Salisbury, MD – Mr. Thomas V. Kimball, Jr., Deputy Director of Operations at the Wicomico County Department of Corrections has been appointed to serve as a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans and the Courts.

The Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans and the Courts requires the Task Force to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems that may apply or arise in certain court cases and to consider recommending the establishment of a special court for defendants who are veterans or members of the armed services who appear to suffer from certain problems related to military service.


  1. I hope he treats the Vets better than he does the staff at the Detention Center.Maybe the Gov needs to look a little deeper and change his mind.How in the --ll that happen.

  2. Anonymous grow up, you don't like it at WCDOC please leave. Your not part of the solution, your part of the problem, things are getting much better then under DDD. We don't need your negitivity.

  3. You must be one of the ECI rejects.I can tell because of the wcdoc. Thats the problem its not DOC. You are are right ,things will be getting better after they are long gone. I can prove the favortisum and harassment . Stay tuned.

  4. Its what they make it. I am not leaving. For what? The upper admin is the problem. There was no one on a blog or paper when Welch was there. All of a sudden 90% of the employees have issue with how they are being treated by Kimball and Kalo. EVERYBODY CANT BE WRONG.

  5. People that are given this type of position because they are considered honorable. He has been made to quit or be fired from every job he has ever worked I will personally give the govenor some insight on this one .There are a lot of other Vets that are more deserving than Thomas V. Kimball Jr.


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