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Friday, August 24, 2012

Obama: Romney’s Big Donors Should Give Their Millions to Scholarships Instead

President Barack Obama scolded the Romney campaign’s biggest donors this week, saying they should donate their millions to fund college scholarships instead of contributing to Republican Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign:

“Now, over the next two and a half months, the other side will spend more money than we have ever seen – ever.  I mean, they got folks writing $10 million checks, $20 million checks,” Obama said Tuesday at a campaign stop at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio. “They should be contributing that to a scholarship fund to send kids to college. But instead, they are going to spend more money than we’ve ever seen on ads, and the ads all say the same thing, which is, the economy is not where it needs to be and it's all Obama's fault.”



  1. If Obama would concede the election, I bet they probably would.

  2. But if they were linning Obama's pockets then all would be good.

  3. Says the guy who's spent more in a campaign for President than anyone in history.

    Truth is funnier than fiction sometimes!

  4. so are Obama's donors giving their money to scholarships?? I didn't think so!!!
    what is good for Romney is good for Obama!! and since Obama is President he should set the example!!

  5. Maybe all of Obama's donors should do that first and set the example.

  6. Why to cover the losses from dream acts and illeagls sucking the system dry

  7. Couldn't Bill Maher's million have been sent to a scholarship fund by the Obama campaign along w/ his other big donors?
    There's still time to do the right thing, Barry!

  8. Obama has big donors, too, so he should be telling them the same thing.

    Politicians are a joke on both sides.

    Booooo.... Hooooo..... He' got more fans than me!

  10. He is in desperation mode.

  11. Another ignorant comment from the most ignorant person (I won't even call him a man) to ever walk the halls of the White House.

  12. This President has no shame, class, dignity, honesty, hope, change, or any semblance of leadership ability. Who the hell votes for this guy. Before the last election he challenged the McCain campaign to accept public election financing along with him and change the way elections are won in this country. Until his handelers told him that they could raise way more money than McCain. And they did and won the election. Why is it that when a republican raises more money and wins he "bought" the election but when a dem does the same he has been "chosen by the people".

  13. The current President raised far more money than the McCain campaign did in the last election and I never heard a peep about it. Now that Romney is on a roll raising funds he is attempting to buy his way into the White House. The current President will lie, cheat and steal to get re-elected. The bad thing for our country is that these are all tactics that work.

  14. People are writing 10 and 20 million dollar checks because they are losing more than that due to Obamas economic policies. Why dosen't he challenge "his" people in Chicago to stop killing each other. The rich set up foundations all the time that provide scholarsips. How many foundations do the poor set up to help others. How about we take care of the truly poor, kick the users out of the system and stop demonizing the rich just because they are successful.

  15. Imagine what could be done with all that money WASTED on campaign ads. We've gotten to the point we don't even hear it anymore. Too saturated!


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