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Friday, August 24, 2012

Will We Plummet Into Another Recession?

The Congressional Budget Office is warning lawmakers to end their budget stalemate. Otherwise, the nation could plummet into another recession. CBO said 2 million Americans could lose their jobs by the end of next year. Analysts said sequestration, those automatic spending cuts set to kick in in January, combined with already-scheduled tax hikes would total $500 billion, and that would be too much for a struggling economy to handle.


  1. Lawmakers will end their budget stalemate when their own livelihood is threatened and not a moment earlier.Most of them have offshore accounts because they don't trust the US economy.

  2. WE haven't come out of the last one yet.

  3. I wasn't totally convinced we ever got out of the recession much less go into another one.

  4. How can there be a recession during a depression? Vote Obama! Sit back and collect while you watch...tick tock.
    Really, though, if Romney comes in and brings us into fiscal responsibility, this, too will be a hard nut to crunch, so recovery will not be immediate, but business snd consumer confidence will apply and help greatly.
    Your choice; certain death, or a tough recovery into profitibility for everyone.

  5. The only people not still in a recession are the Main Stream Media!


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