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Friday, August 24, 2012

Miller In Command: A ‘Dear John’ Phone Call And Counting The Days

No one doubts that this month’s special session of the General Assembly to expand gaming wouldn’t have happened without the insistence and persistence of Senate President Mike Miller, who’s been pushing slots and gambling for a decade. A few loose ends from the session point out Miller’s command of the process and close attention to every stray vote.

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  1. The very first sentece is a lie. When Bob Ehrlich was the gov. he tried to get slots because he knew Marylands economy was in trouble, but all the democrats complained and cried saying gambling would only hurt the poor. Amazingly once O'Malley became gov slots were the best thing to ever happen in the state

  2. Exactly 4 42 and think of all the lost revenue and allowing other surronding states to get ahead of us on it ..remember when Elrich tried the only game around was delaware & AC. Demcrats are so stupid, traitors but true committed idiots ..I am trying so hard to get out of this state...

  3. Voters should taker care of Mr. Millers PUSH.


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