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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

"Shut Down By Twitter"

This Isn't China: Why Did Twitter Suspend Free Market Environmentalist Account?

Just as it was gaining momentum and attracting attention, Twitter shut down and silenced an account that promoted a free market vision for environmentalism timed with Earth Day. Special credit here belongs to Eric Bolling, who used his own twitter account and his program "The Five" on Fox News to bring attention the cause.

The account, @FreeMarket_US, a project of Americans for Limited Government (ALG), went live a few days before Earth Day and proceeded to pick up considerable steam. On Earth Day, the official website for Free Market America was launched and its Facebook and Twitter components started to come to life as well. The first video put out by Free Market America, "If I wanted America to fail," got over 120,000 hits in less than 36 hours -- that's not too shabby.

Adam Bitely, an editor for Net Right Daily, the official website for ALG, described what happened after the Twitter account was suspended mid-way through Earth Day.

"After numerous attempts to contact Twitter and see what the story was behind the suspension, ALG launched a twitter campaign against twitter," he wrote. "Urging all of our followers to contact @twitter to ask why the Free Market America site has been suspended, thousands came to our defense."


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