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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Official: Polka Dots Painted on ND Home an Eyesore

Jim Deitz believes he's creating a Grand Forks landmark, but the downtown apartment house he's painting one polka dot at a time is making a city planner cringe.

The retired house painter on Tuesday was putting the final polka dots on his home-turned-apartments, where passers-by have been gathering to watch him work and to request colors from his palette of a dozen cans of brightly colored paint.

"Pizza delivery drivers won't have any trouble finding this place," Deitz said of the century old-two story home that houses six apartments. "You can't miss it."


Would you mind this house in your neighborhood?


  1. No I wouldn't mind. You have to be willing to handle differences that comes with living in a neighborhood where the houses are in such close proximity, whether it be noise (within reason) or how they chose to decorate their yard. If you want to live where most of the houses are pretty much the same and changes must be voted on there are plenty with neighborhood associations. As long as there is no trash and the yard is well tended I see no problem. In fact it brings a smile to my face. :)

  2. i would love to do that in new town just to wake up the snobs there

  3. It's better than a student rental or crack house.

  4. I would not mind either and I agree with both Anon 3:17 and Catherine.

  5. I have a niece and her husband that used to live in Painter VA.

    They were in their early 20's at the time and the town wrote them a citation to scrape and paint the old house they owned.

    This was many years ago and they were living a hippie life style. So they got a bunch of friends to come over for a kegger and they painted the house multi colored pastels : )

    It wasn't near as ugly as the polka dot one. I was proud to be their hippie Uncle : )

  6. all of you need your head examined.

  7. Why 4:38? When you, myself or whomever is paying for the house then we can tell who lives there to paint it whatever color we wish. Until then, the one paying for it decides unless otherwise stipulated in homeowner docs, historic regs or such.

  8. Wouldn't mind it being in my neighborhood, matter of fact would rather have that than some we do have - makes for nice conversation with your neighbors. Kind of looks like Parker Place on the corner or Main and Snow Hill Road, I like that too.

  9. I would be proud to live next to this home. Americans have a terrible problem with wanting 'freedom' and then demanding that people do only what 'they' want them to. Home owners should not feel as though they have to do anything to their homes that 'city planners' demand. Do what you like with your property and proudly display your American Dream before it's too late!

  10. I'd like to see all you supportive people after your property values go down being next to it.

  11. Good for him.so tired of the government telling me what I can and cant do with my own.from kids to property.I bust my ass for my belongings and i should be able to do what I want.

  12. FREEDOM is wonderful, is'nt it!

  13. I love the article, but the picture that is posted is not his house.

  14. When we strengthen the value of the dollar we can then worry about property value... Until then it's all irrelevant.

  15. What does that do to the value of other houses in neighborhood? This sort of thing is best done in the country where you don't effect the value of other homes. When you move into a town you have to respect their rules.

  16. Who decides what the rules are in the town 12:21?

    Years ago when my niece painted their house in Painter with pastel colors it was something to be talked about negitvely. Now those colors are trendy in historic neighborhoods! They were just ahead of the times.

  17. According to the Town of Delmar, the town has NO control over what color a building/home is painted. They can only oversee the building/remodeling of a structure to be able to say it passes code.
    I'd rather see this polkda dot house than some of the bright green, bright yellow and pastel colors!


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