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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

New Service Takes The Guesswork Out of Clothes Shopping

A new, free service seeks to eliminate the hours shoppers spend in dressing rooms in search of the perfect fitting clothes.

It's called Me-Ality, and it's essentially a digital dressing room that scans your body at a "matching station" and then uses your exact measurements to find clothes that will best fit and flatter your body.

Each matching station, located locally and throughout the country, will use a "vertical wand" that rotates around the fully clothed person inside to get their precise measurements. The wand measures over 200,000 points of reference on each body. It takes about 15 seconds.



  1. Not going to work. I bought some 36x34 jeans from wal mart, got them home and with a tape measure measured my waist @ 35 and button to buttonhole on the pants was 43 inches! so, if the machine says you have a 35 waistline and you buy pants using that number, you had better try them on before going home!

  2. Also, don't believe for a minute that this convenience wouldn't be used to report peoples growing waistlines to big brother so their outrageous insurance companies can penalize them for every inch... It's coming...


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