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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Princess Anne Ambulance Repossessed

While Wicomico County faces extreme financial difficulties, surrounding municipalities are experiencing difficulties as well.

Princess Anne ordered a brand new Ambulance. In fact, representatives from the Fire Department made two trips to inspect their new Ambulance, going as far as Canada to see it as part of the contract, paid for by the manufacturer and included in the final price.

The Ambulance was finished and was set to be delivered. The manufacturer got to Princess Anne with the Ambulance but could not get the Fire Department to pony up the check to pay for it, therefore they repossessed the vehicle and took it back.

One of the Princess Anne Ambulances is broken down at this moment, leaving citizens in a serious jam as Princess Anne is a pretty busy Fire Department. However, it gets worse. FIVE of the SEVEN vehicles, (Fire Trucks, etc.) they have in house have FAILED their DOT inspections. This means Firefighters are subjected to serious risks should they attempt to fight a fire.

One of the vehicles has no tail lights. Salisbury News has also learned that the Fire Department actually owes the Town of Princess Anne money for LEOPS, money in which the Town fronted but cannot seem to collect. We also learned the Town only provides around $7,000.00 a year towards the Volunteer Department and has no control over what the Fire Department does.

Princess Anne citizens have a serious problem on their hands with so many pieces of emergency equipment being down. Perhaps it's time the citizens contact the Fire Department to get some answers.

New Posts to fall below.


  1. Wrong mister article writer.its time the communities step up and help their local fire companies.people have no idea what it takes to run a fire cmpany.they think the state and county take care of them.a company is lucky to see 20,000 a year from state and county combined.except delmar who gets wicomico ,Maryland,Sussex,and Delaware money and salisbury who is a mixes paid and volunteer co.they get way mire than enough but would never say so.people dont realize that fund raisers and the ambulance is usually how they make money.when half the peiple you take dint have insurance you dont get paid.
    Turnout gear alone is 4000 .and multiply that by fifty and spend that every three years on gear alone.now how much do you think a pump or engine cist to put into a fire truck? Thats just the start .
    Fire depts have very little help but give lots.I don't expect the people to understand.all I can say is yall better help your towns fire companies.this story your reading is a very real reality every company is facing right now. they are there for you,be there for them.

  2. anonymous 10:14, DON'T order it if you can't afford it. Come on now, this is just ridiculous. To come back here and blame the citizens for not supporting you enough is just wrong. Mind you, I'm all about the volunteer firefighters raising funds and communities supporting them. However, I think it's border line illegal to make a false order when you don't have the money.

    1. This is no blame on citizens.its a call for help.when a fire co.orders an abmulance they look at apropriations from started and county.then they take the average amount of money paid to them from ambulances services.if they figure an average and fit it in the budget then three years later half the average payment comes in then they get screwed.wich screws the citizens.in no way was this blame on citizens.its a point of under funding and what your local government feels is enough to give a fire dept.fire companies need the citizens as much as they need then

  3. Appartently Salisbury needs no help their boat has yet to be repo'd but we can all wish.

  4. well, guess what the insurance raiting in the town of PA is going to crash. Which means, yep hire insurance costs to everyone, including the UMES.... Which might be a good thing for them to go away...

  5. What's the solution to a mess like this? This has to be a problem in many small towns with aging equipment and no money. Somerset County especially. wonder if they will have to start leasing ambulances or even contracting the service out.

  6. The trips may have been included in the final price but you can bet your life the department still paid the money. Sounds like a perk in order to sell the equipment. Why not buy the thing in the United States anyway? We wonder where the jobs have gone, here is a good example.

    If the engines are worn out, maybe they shouldn't take the whole fleet to every fender bender. It's a waste of gas. It seems all of the departments do that and it is not neccessary.

  7. Another example of the misdirected grant money I.E. Salisbury's fireboat.

    While we get luxuries like the million dollar boat, other areas are suffering for the bare essentials. Doesn't make sense!

    Good question too, why wasn't the money spent here in the US? So what if it costs just a little more to keep the money and jobs here in the United States.

  8. Every department on Delmarva should look at what Ocean City does. Granted other than Salisbury and Dover are the biggest town in the area. But witht he Fire Department they don't send out every piece of equipment to every call they get. They have it really structured and it saves cost and wear on apparatus.

  9. Just how many times has that Salisbury ladder truck actually been involved in fighting a fire?

  10. It would help if they worked better with their neighbors instead of handling everything themselves. Marion and Princess Anne insist on responding first due near the Wicomico and Worcester county lines, even if it means they travel 10 or more miles to get to an emergency within 2 miles of a neighboring county's fire company. Try contacting their Emergency Services Dept. and check out those jurisdictions...

    Also, I believe the rep that sold them that ambulance is actually in the PAVFD as well, though I could be mistaken. Have at it.

    1. Nope .David elliot sold it.from fruitland

    2. Correction dave merrit. And he isn't to blame.he is a dedicsted man to not only his towns citizens but the whole eastern shore.he is a salesmen to make extra income.not his fault the company didn't make payment.do you blame your car salesmen if you cant pay for your car?

  11. I have delt with many different fire departments over the years. I can't say I am impressed with many of them. I have never in my life seen such back stabbing that goes on in those departments. They put people in positions that do not earn or deserve it but they kissed someones butt that was higher up. Once the unqualified person gets in that position they don't do what needs to be done and things don't get taken care of.
    There is to much waste that goes on in the departments. Ever time you turn around they "need" a new piece of equipment.

  12. Maybe if the fire department was like any other fire department and had functions and stuff people may care. But no most and I'm saying most not all the fire fighters in pa are rude entitled high horse riding jerks. Start caring about you community white black Mexican and maybe your community will care about you. And don't blame umes for anything if it weren't for umes pa would be a ghost town. This is coming from someone who lives in the town used to work in the town used to hear them all talk.

    1. Couldn't of said it better! I live there, and end up supporting snow hill and Newark MD fire depth more because THEY ARE INVOLVED!!

  13. wow, everyone misspells a word now and then but the first couple of posts look like a third grader wrote them.

    doesn't do much for fire dept image either.

    How in the world can their trucks fail a dot inspection?

    Nobody there has a couple of bucks for some bulbs to put in the brake lights?

    I'm sure there may be other issues with the failures but come on. Doesn't anyone do a walk around once in a while?

  14. Has someone let Frank White have the credit card again?

  15. I blame David Merritt. He is the chief engineer in the department and ALSO works for the company who "sold" the ambulance to Princess Anne. He was dipping his pen in both jars of ink.
    Mr. Merritt: what happened?

  16. There is a member in that department lining his own pockets by saying equipment is unfit because of safety issues then turning around and selling them new equipment.

  17. Oh well UMES students will have to stop shooting up the neighborhood for awhile!

  18. You all were fast to jump on Dave Merrit, I think each of you owe him an apology. Dave has been in career adn volunteer service for years. I have worked with him and I can assure you, he is very good and honest.

    Think about this, you VOLUNTEER your time away from your family to help others, risking YOUR life for others... Then you have people who will not spend their time, or are afraid themselves to do the work.

    They get on here and bash the ones that do. Are there better ways to run it, probably so. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to be a firefighter, just brave.

  19. Well if anon: 10:14 is an example of who works at the PA fire department, then I can see what other problems may exsist. The grammar and spelling were so poor it really made it hard to read. If someone is going to post from the fire department, make sure its the most literate one, otherwise it makes all of them look stupid.

  20. Fire departments are beginning to look like mini governments. Waste, waste, waste. I suspect there will be plenty of money for them all to attend the convention in Ocean City for a week in June or July. They will waste all of their gas driving those big trucks hundreds of miles for parades every year also. It's time for everyone to cut all unnesssary spending.

  21. Wa Wa Wa they can deal with like anybody else on a budget.

  22. Joe, I know the high value you place on accuracy. As the Town Manager at the time, I can assure you that the misunderstanding regarding LEOPS was completely resolved. The PAVFC does not owe the Town any money.

    The PAVFC provides an invaluable service to the community, and the Town is as supportive as possible, and wishes to be as helpful as possible.

    Several years ago, the Town negotiated with the Somerset County Commissioners as was able to get an agreement by which the County agreed to provide $125,000 direct support to the PAVFC.
    Jay Parker

    1. Jay, we were all told to sign over papers to opt out of LEOPS. We were told if we did not sign out that we would be locked at our current salaries till the day we retire. Only one person signed that paper and the fire department made him the EMS supervisor for doing so. For the rest of us, we were all fired by the town, then rehired by the fire department. That's how we all got screwed out of our retirement.

  23. So the LEOPS situation was resolved? PAFD received an additional $125,000 per year and the paid EMT's still lost their retirement with out a nickel to show for it. Sounds to me like the county, town and the fd owe those folks some money and a big fat apology. Oh, that's right. They can't pay up because they've been spending money like it going out of style for the last 5 years. Mismanagement and misappropriation of funds are two terms that you can use for this situation.

  24. 1:01 PM. If you are going to criticize 10:14 AM's spelling, maybe you should check your own. It's exist, not exsist.

    1. Thanks for standing up for me.
      Now firefighters may not read and spell well but we read other things .....signs and signals that enable us to save lives.things normal people would never know.how to read smoke or read lay outs if a car so we dont pop air bags on stupid commentors like that guy while we cut him out.we can read guages and figure extremely hard math equations to ensure water flow from quarter mile away.as far as spelling....let me spell this out for your ignorant butt.....firwfifhters are needed.they save lives.their courage is exceptional and the have more balls than a blogger that can only criticise about spelling.

  25. Jay, it is my understanding that there was a balance still due. Nevertheless, I have been told it has taken years to get ALL of the money in to pay back what the Town put out.

    Nevertheless, Princess Anne and those people living and working there have always proven, (to me) to be absolutely wonderful people.

    The story here is not just the funding in question. The main story here is the Fire Department placing an order for a vehicle they clearly could not afford.

    Mind you, this is a sign of the times and again, I was directing this information to educate EVERY ONE on the Eastern Shore, we are ALL having problems.

    HOWEVER, when you look at Towns like Delmar, they are probably one of the greatest examples of how to do things right than eny other Town/City in the state.

    The local Main Stream Media needs to stop ignoring Delmar and look upon them as a shining example of how every one else can and should do it right. STOP spending and throwingh away money, like the Fire Boat in Salisbury.

    I can assure you, as the next Mayor of Salisbury the buck WILL stop at my Office. I can assure you that ALL my main efforts will be directed at crime and properly funding the Police Department instead.

    I truly believe most everyone will agree, the Fire Department has enjoyed quite a few years of riding the wave but crime needs to be lowered in Salisbury. I'm NOT afraid of Firefighters getting upset with me for standing firm on what I believe the citizens want. I actually believe the Firefighters will stand side by side with their Brothers in the Police Department to help curb crime by offering such support.

    Nevertheless, times are obviously difficult and we must start working together. Thanks Jay.

  26. i heard they lost the money b/c the ambo took an extra few months to build.

  27. DOT needs to get involved today! The old heads of PAVFD think because it's Princess Anne rules don't apply. Well you are wrong! This is 2012 not 1912 and things have changed. Just because you old farts don't think DOT and preventative maintainance is necessary you are wrong.

  28. Dave Merritt sold one ambulance and it is this one that was returned. And if Dave is lining his pockets why does he have 5 jobs? He is a salisbury boy and princess anne does not like change. You have a few people that run the place and make the calls. Their last mechanic is a volunteer there also apparently he lines his pockets also? Dave has come to our station and has lost a sale for being honest and upfront with us. So you idiots that are running your Mouth you don't know the Dave Merritt I know.

  29. "going as far as Canada to see it as part of the contract, paid for by the manufacturer and included in the final price."

    Included in the final price, which was jacked up to allow for junkets, just like in Salisbury.

    The taxpayers got hosed again. No pun intended, but highly fits.

  30. Anonymous said...

    Wrong mister article writer.its time the communities step up and help their local fire companies.people have no idea what it takes to run a fire cmpany.they think the state and county take care of them.a company is lucky to see 20,000 a year from state and county combined.except delmar who gets wicomico ,Maryland,Sussex,and Delaware money and salisbury who is a mixes paid and volunteer co.they get way mire than enough but would never say so.people dont realize that fund raisers and the ambulance is usually how they make money.when half the peiple you take dint have insurance you dont get paid.
    Turnout gear alone is 4000 .and multiply that by fifty and spend that every three years on gear alone.now how much do you think a pump or engine cist to put into a fire truck? Thats just the start .
    Fire depts have very little help but give lots.I don't expect the people to understand.all I can say is yall better help your towns fire companies.this story your reading is a very real reality every company is facing right now. they are there for you,be there for them.

    May 2, 2012 10:14 AM

    Dude... how much time did you spend in a classroom?

    1. Really? Dude its a blog site and typed off a phone.all that typing just to try and make someone look bad.pathetic

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Just how many times has that Salisbury ladder truck actually been involved in fighting a fire?

    May 2, 2012 11:16 AM

    LMAO!! Good point. You can blame that on Jim Liarton, Rick Hopeless and Wm. Gordo!

  32. Anonymous said...

    I have delt with many different fire departments over the years. I can't say I am impressed with many of them. I have never in my life seen such back stabbing that goes on in those departments. They put people in positions that do not earn or deserve it but they kissed someones butt that was higher up. Once the unqualified person gets in that position they don't do what needs to be done and things don't get taken care of.
    There is to much waste that goes on in the departments. Ever time you turn around they "need" a new piece of equipment.

    May 2, 2012 11:28 AM

    Sounds like you are talking about the Salisbury Fire Department.

  33. So, how much does each department spend every year attending the conventions and hosting their annual awards banquets? How much is spent on pins, plaques, etc? All of this money is wasted and should be spent on maintaining the equipment.

  34. 10:02
    I don't really know to much about the Salisbury Fire Department other than what I have read here and the lack of compassion of their paramedics. I was talking about a few other departments in Wicomico County. Like I said it seems they are ALL the same.

  35. 10:16
    I don't know the figure but I do know that many of the fire departments do fund raising for things just like this. I have no problem with them spending money on things like that if they have raised the money for them. The problem I have is when they cry they don't have money and the next thing you know they are buying a new vehicle when the one they had was fine.
    Don't ask people to give you money buy something you want then cry when you can't get something that is actually needed.

  36. You should stop talking about the ambulance before you upset the ems superviser.

  37. May 2, 2012 10:16 PM

    Ask the Salisbury Fire Department how much they spend on pins and awards. They just had a "Medals Day" on Saturday April 28, 2012. They wasted thousands of dollars on that event and invented reasons to give out awards so they could have pretty pins to put on their brand new dress uniforms the tax payers forked over $500,000 on.

  38. All fire departments around here should be operated by the County Government.

  39. Man look....I am the last person to correct spelling and grammar but this guy....WOW! If you aren't capable of better sentence structure, you can't expect people to understand what you are trying to say or take you seriously. The first thing that comes to my mind is: "This guy is a member of that fire department? No wonder they can't effectively manage their financial affairs."

  40. Joe, I'll have you know the effective yesterday Dave Merritt resigned from the Princess Anne Fire Department. Looks like your blog is doing mighty fine work.

  41. to 5/2 @ 11:47am

    Mr. Merritt does not write checks for the PAVFC so how does he know what happens...Think before you type...Also, he did not inspect the equiptment again think before you type. To me that is the President & Treasurer fault of not having the money when it was to be delivered...Also, why would he want his name involved in a firehouse that can't pay for what they order and don't have safe equiptment I think it was a smart move on his part. But citizen's of Princess Anne if I was having a heart attack or anything else I would want him to be the one over me..I was told he has had 7 saves in Fruitland..Not sure if it is correct but that is a pretty damn good Paramedic if you ask me..Great Loss to Princess Anne residents.

  42. Dig deeper...the Fire Department is piddly compared to some of the stuff going on in that county.

  43. Not sure why Dave Elliott or Fruitland came up. He doesnt sell ambo equip nor has anything to do with this. TXS

  44. Awful funny Dave Elliott's name comes up in this... passed employee of PA who could make them look worse than this.

  45. Past employee but still doesnt have anything to do with selling or repoing of vehicles. Clearly stating that was probably a mistype or would hope. It's unfortunate P.A is going thru this.

  46. Stop the foolishness. It should be about the community, not people who have nothing else to do but critize the brave men and women who put their lives on the line each time they go to a call. Thanks to the PAVFC for the job you do under the circumstances.

  47. I am a resident of the Eden Allen area and I can't bring myself to understand why a ambulance being repossessed is a bigger issue than the princess Anne Fd not allowing the Allen fire department to respond to my house. We are less than two miles away from the Allen fire company and they have told us there is nothing they can do about this situation. There are a number of residents less than a mile away from Allen who must wait for fire and EMS that is eight miles away. It is also my understanding the same situation is going on near pocomoke. Joe please help us can you imagine if this was your family and you could do nothing about this? I attended a meeting with government officials and Fd leaders two years ago and they were supposed to resolve this issue and get back to the residents I have heard nothing . I know of one person just over a mile from Allen at a that lost their life and Allen Fd was not called. They may not have been able to help but please consider the possibilities...

  48. Anon 6:33 - You are indeed correct that this is the situation on the southern end of Somerset County. Both Marion and Princess Anne FD's took miles of territory from Pocomoke about two years ago. Pocomoke, being located in Worcester County had no official say in the matter, much as I assume is the case in Allen. For those who are not familiar with the area take 3 minutes of your time and visit google maps... Pocomoke is not allowed to respond to incidents past Rehobeth Rd along Ocean Hwy unless requested by Somerset FD's. Marion covers all territory east along Rehobeth Rd, and Princess Anne all areas to the north and west. When taking into consideration a need or desire for a timely response for fire / rescue, and ems; how does this make sense for the persons living in the affected areas? Fire departments need to stop trying to out do one another and concentrate on their mission of serving the public to the best of their ability. As can be seen in these very comments there is enough bad pr. Concentrate on providing a quality service and move your department forward. That's how you will get your community behind you.

  49. Apparently PAVFC has at least 30-35K dollars laying around to buy a new digital sign to put out front so they must have some money somewhere, or maybe they were going to give them an "I Owe You". Basically PAVFC has become "Greedy" at the sacrifice of the citizens they are suppose to serve. Yes they took over the territory that Pocomoke use to cover giving the citizens a substantial wait for fire/ems service. It is 8 minutes from PAVFC to Rehobeth Road and 4 minutes From Pocomoke VFC to Rehobeth Road... What sense does that make? You should also research how many times Pocomoke has been called this year to go well into Princess Anne's First Due Fire District because they could not get any apparatus on the road or had apparatus leave with one or two people on board. Pocomoke has actually responded when Princess Anne could not get out and taken care of the call by the time PAVFC arrives. Citizens lives and property are gravely in jeopardy and someone needs to inter-vein and fix the problem before more innocent people die or suffer further injury or loss. Answer why departments as far as Crisfield and Mt. Vernon are coming to the far east side of the county "Charles Boston Road" when there are other companies closer. It makes no sense to take all the apparatus from one end of the county leaving those citizens without coverage... Also regardless of Dave Merritt's status, he simply did what the company asked him. Many people have side jobs in this economy and he should not be punished for working! Dave is a honest man who has been selling equipment for years and has always looked out for the brotherhood and public by offering quality equipment and training. The problem is the Administration not the person who sold them something he was asked too. This whole thing is out of control.


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