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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Today's Survey Question 5-2-12

It's been years since the majority of registered voters actually voted here in Salisbury. Do you believe this election will finally get people excited enough to get out and vote, either way?


  1. I think that this election will have a big turn out...

    The fate of our country, State, City, County at stake...

    This year will be the determining factor as to whom will be slaves and whom won't... American WILL be gone in less than another 4 years...

  2. There are still too many eligible voters who just don't care about politics until something happens that affects them personally. You'll have to spread the word about what is really going on in Salisbury and so that they realize the importance of voting. But then they may say the same thing - my vote won't count.

  3. I think It will be the best year in a long time. Someone who is SMART and know how to run a busness, and cares for the taxpayer.

  4. If there is a larger turnout than usual, I would be money it's because Joe Albero is in the race for mayor.

    Good luck, I hope you win.

    That would be the ultimate bite in the ass to some of the haters.

    Either way, I'm sure Jill Ireton will be out on her butt.

  5. If we were talking about the November election I might say yes.

    As long as 80% of housing in Salisbury are rentals, the turnout will be lame as usual come time for city election.

  6. "That would be the ultimate bite in the ass to some of the haters"

    I'm with you on that, 11:44.

    The haters will give those who support you more motivation, Joe. I know that's how it worked for some in Worcester. The more hate the more motivated we became. I personally registered atleast 20 new voters for that election, some who though in their 30', 40' 50's and lifelong county residents had never voted before after becomming fed up with the hate.
    I did my own campaigning everywhere I went-dentist, grocery store, post office. Never said a bad word about any candidate. Only played up my choices good points.

  7. Jim Ireton needs to go, that's for sure.

  8. Anonymous said...

    If we were talking about the November election I might say yes.

    As long as 80% of housing in Salisbury are rentals, the turnout will be lame as usual come time for city election.

    May 2, 2012 12:54 PM

    It's more like 95% rentals in the City of Salisbury. That's a fact Jack and you can take that to the bank!

  9. Which election? The Presidential or City election?

  10. Better check your numbers 11:01
    Don't let your mouth write checks that your butt can't cash!


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