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Wednesday, May 02, 2012


"If any of the transports that come into the Port of Salisbury were ever stopped, and the ability to bring oil, natural gas, ethanol and other fuel needs stopped, it would take two-and-a-half days for the entire Delmarva Peninsula to run out of oil," said Mayor Jim Ireton.

We live on the river, have not seen an oil barge since Sunday. Guess Delmarva will shut down this afternoon.


  1. So what does this have to do with paying and wasting 900k for a fire boat?

  2. Ireton is a complete idiot if he really believes that statement.

  3. That sounds like BS by the "Greater Salisbury Committee".

  4. I guess if a cruise ship sank in the river,it could be a problem!

  5. Jim-Beau:

    If the welfare checks were 2&1/2 days late your political supporters would be rioting and looting all over town.

  6. 2:24 Ha, Ha, and Laura would be at the head of the mob.

  7. i dont think the port of Salisbury supports the entire eastern Shore

  8. 2:42 --

    True - but she would be alongside Shanie! That's the way it is in the Peoples Republic of Salisbury.

  9. Virtually all gasoline in this area comes through the Port of Salisbury although a small percentage is barged in to the Bagwell Terminal in Onancock. Tanker trucks with diesel and kerosene can take the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel but gasoline is forbidden. The northern portion of the peninsula is supplied by tanker trucks from Delaware City and Marcus Hook.

  10. Most of the gas around here comes from trucks originating in New Castle county, DE.

  11. I don't believe anything Jim Ireton says or the Daily Times prints.

  12. There closing a refinery in Chester.

  13. This is some Feel Good B.S. propaganda Jim Liarton is feeding us to justify the wasteful tax dollars on this $1 Million Abortion.

    The story also goes on to say "In the mid-1970s --an unusually cold winter --the Wicomico River froze, halting barge traffic and preventing needed heating oil from reaching the Lower Shore and creating an uncomfortable spell for businesses and homes."

    That was almost 40 freakin years ago and WTH does a frozen river have to do with a $1 Million fire boat?

    Nothing like this misguided information to deflect the real fact that the Liberal Boy Mare screwed the tax payers again!

    "the barge traffic impacts more than 9,000 jobs."

    Jobs, jobs, jobs. I am sick and tired of hearing Jim Liarton talk about creating and saving JOBS!! This is some more of that tired mantra from his idle Obama!

  14. Natural gas, on a barge into Salisbury? Interesting, do tell mayor Ireton.


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