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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

One Year Ago Today

While the Old Mall Developers were trying to sell the County Council on a $5,000,000.00 Parking Lot TIF, the County Council wasn't buying it! Even former Council President Mike Dunn made an attempt to sell them on why it was vital for them to pay 800% more money for a parking lot than it was worth, it made everyone wonder just what in the hell the City Council President was doing there helping the Mall Owners sell the idea on the County, unless there was something in it for him?

Mike Dunn was beside himself when the County Council said, BITE ME, we're not buying it. He pouted for what seemed like weeks afterwards and probably never got over it. Oh well, it is what it is but I thought I'd share some of these photos to remind everyone just how fortunate we are to no longer have Mike Dunn as Council President. Then again.............


  1. Yep, what memories of that dude, Mikey! Although we have his clone in LouWeasle, Mikey was one wild and crazy guy, you gotta admit. He was a hero only in his own mind; we citizens knew the truth about him and he knew it.

    Thanks for posting this reminder, Joe.

  2. Don't for one minute think that he isn't still involved with sleazy city wrondgdoings, he's just out of the public eye is all.

  3. Kuidos again to the then newly elected County Council for dropping those mall mavens like a load of crap.

  4. Even then, Dunn was posiioning himself for a future run for a County Position. Someone should find out what part of the county he lives in, and see if the Councilperson representing that area has views consistant with his. If whoever represents that district is making responsible choices, you can call it a "Dunn Deal".

  5. Dunn now lives in swanky Tony Tank.

  6. That disctrict is Gail B.'s, it goes all the way around to Pittsville, Willards, and Parsonsburg. He'd never win it. We have more to worry about with Carthcart positioning against Debbie Campbell!

  7. Hoss Cathcart with hubby LiL Joe? LoL Howdy Doody in one of his infamous photo's.

  8. What's the latest in that new suit against the mall that was filed a couple months ago?

  9. Looks to me like the contract was written as such that the timeline had expired Feburary 2007, and the main developer had that clause in their contract.

    That timeline expired, therefore they shouldn't be obligated to forfill the contract, that's why people pay attorneys to assure the owners of the Mall forfilled their obligation.

    I would imagine that it will all be blamed on the citizens for fighting for what was right and ruled so in a court of law.

    Let N & D eat it all.... the carpetbaggers.


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