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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Daily Times Fails To Deliver Again Today

Did YOU get YOUR Daily Late & A Dollar Short Times today?


  1. Left for work at 6:30am and no paper but I went to the market down the street and they had theirs. So I bought on and called the times for a credit for today's paper.


  2. Mine came at 8:00, just as I was leaving! Do they get a 2 hr delay when its a little cold out?

  3. Mine is here, as always. I told you before, if you want your paper on time move to Nanticoke. Jenny is the best carrier they have. Even when the Daily Times is late getting the paper to the carriers she still manages to get us our paper in a timely manner. We are lucky to have Jenny as a carrier.

  4. I started reading the online version today, it even has most of the articles that were there yesterday. I guess the presses have something to do with their online news?

  5. At 9:50 AM the website was still screwed up

  6. Joe,

    I got mine at about 6:50 this morning, and I'm way down here in Crisfield. I think Pam is the best.


  7. I get my everyday. Think maybe it is you? Things that make you go hmmmmm.....

    And the fellow that delivers the paper was bragging about how much he would be making for delivering them. Do not think that they are as miserable as you make them out to be?

    But it is the holidays so they should find the Christmas spirit and even deliver poor old Joe's paper!

  8. And the fellow that delivers the paper was bragging about how much he would be making for delivering them. Do not think that they are as miserable as you make them out to be?

    Well your carrier is jerking your chain, because I know exactly how much we all get paid per paper. The figures stated on this blog are exactly right. We get 8 cents per paper and we get 24 cents for Sunday papers. We get no gas allowance or fuel surcharge. We get no benefits, no bonuses and we get no days off. The only reason anyone delivers papers is to supplement their income, it is not a job you can survive on or support a family on.


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