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Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Comment Worth Posting

Anonymous said...
It may be sent to the indivual stations, but the city controls what it can be spent on. there is very little discretion allowed on what can be bought without Sees and Gordys approval. if this is not the case, why do you think the original pickup truck had to be returned. See threatened to bulldoze station 2 to the ground if it was not returned.

8:39 AM

Thank you Anonymous 8:39 AM that is exactly what happened and what is going on in the Salisbury Fire Department and the volunteers are powerless. The vollies may get to vote on decisions on the floor, but that is all it is, just a vote. They have no power or at all. That was taken away from them when William Gordy, oops I mean David See became chief. Check out the city charter. The Mare and her Flying Monkeys allowed the Three Stooges to have all the power taken away from the volunteer corporations. Does anyone remember how Bill Gordy came into the Salisbury Fire Department and sucked in some unsuspecting volunteers to help him get to where he is today. Typical backstabber and the same thing that caused his demise in the Delmar Fire Department. Does anyone remember when Bill Gordy and a few select paid fire officers went to the volunteers homes and places of employment with threatening documents? Isn't it true the Bill Gordy and some paid fire officers went to Delegate Norman Conway's wive's place of employment to deliver the documents. Wasn't her place of employment the County BOE? That my friend is terroristic and tresspassing on school property. One of those paid officers sucked up to Gordy, See and Hoppes that he is now a chief officer himself. Amazing what people will do to get ahead in life.

In case you don't know Bill Gordy and David See appoint the volunteer officers instead of allowing elections like the rest of the County vollies do. This way they can control their yes men. So much for a democracy in this city.


  1. Gordo and See, you dudes are not liked in the Salisbury Fire Department. Bail out while you can. The majority of the firefighters don't like either one of you or your followers. They don't bail out themselves because they love their jobs and what they do for the people. They don't because they are afraid of you and your power. You guys are the brunt of most jokes in the fire department and I am sure your ears burn every day.

    You idiots are stressed out, but you are so power hungry that you resist the stress. We all know you both have heart attacks and you are a liability on the job and to the citizens. Do it for the tax payers, bail out now.

  2. Would it be possible for all the firefighters who have left the department or retired, volunteers or career, to band together and come out with a "what we know" statement?

    I know those of you still in have to post anonymously because they'd have your jobs instantly for speaking up.

    But it sure would be nice if SOMEONE could step up and say what they know publicly.

    I hear so many bad things about this department and really feel for the men and women who are busting their butts and getting squashed by their so-called leadership. I don't know how you stand it.

  3. The line officers have always been appointed by the chief. That wasn't something they concieved..


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