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Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Commenter Provides The Following Information

Hmmmm, this sounds familiar!! Why can't we get this type of investigation here? I believe SLED is an outside state agency in that area and an investigation should be held by outside sources. The city shouldn't investigate itself and the only reason that would be done would be to cover their own tracks!!

GO HERE for the article.

News 12 at 6 o'clock, December 7, 2007

AIKEN CTY --- A husband and wife lost their jobs with Aiken County EMS in October. Now, a state investigation report explains what went wrong.

Missing money, using sticky notes for filing documents-- all leading to what Aiken County EMS workers say is an unorganized and struggling department.

The Aiken County EMS Investigation is closed, but there are still unsolved questions. News 12 has a copy of the SLED investigation into the EMS Director and his wife.

"Money should be going to where it needs to be going," says Annette Distasio who lives in Aiken.

SLED found this, the donation account, which is handled only in cash- has more than 1,250 dollars taken in from undocumented sources. Instead of being used for the department, some of the donation account money used to buy food and gifts for EMS employees.

Some questioning if they should donate at all.

But the review did not show the Director Phil Clarke took the money himself. SLED also finding this - in the county issued credit card account: purchases like food, gift bags and picture frames. Which could be considered personal. And more importantly, not allowed by the county.

But again, no criminal misuse for specific personal use of the cards. The report goes on. Other EMS employees interviewed by SLED saying, sticky notes were used to keep track of the donation account.

"Oh yeah, that's not good. First of all, you can lose them because we all do that. And secondly, it needs to be written documentation," says Annette.

Some are keeping the faith, but others say they don't trust them anymore.

There were also problems with mileage reimbursements. Lynn Clarke reporting more than 250 miles than she actually drove on two different occasions.


  1. Yes Joe, special accounts like donated funds need special handling, but not the slippery kind. You just never know about the people you put in charge of loose funds like that. Eventually they get sticky fingers so its best to watch all involved, and closely.

    A. Goetz

  2. All of the funding in the Salisbury Fire Department get "special handling." Right Gordo ;-)

    His sticky finger prints are all over the funding, especially the donations.

    I have seen people or his so called friends in the business world come to his defense saying he has plenty of money. Well if that is the case then why does he continue to mooch off of the tax payers. Why does he continue to spend every tax dollar he gets his hand on?

    I have a question: How much money has Gordo or is business contributed or donated to the Salisbury Fire Department?


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