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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Salisbury News Ranks #1 In The State Again

Maryland's Most Influential Political Blogs

1 Salisbury News
2 monoblogue
3 The Silver Spring Penguin
4 Free State Politics
5 Brian Griffiths
6 Delusional Duck
7 Candid Truth
8 Maryland Politics
9 Maryland Politics Watch
10 Capital Punishment
11 Pocomoke Tattler
12 The Main Adversary
13 Kevin Dayhoff
14 Annapolis Politics
15 gaithersblog.net
16 Blog Arundel
17 Pillage Idiot
18 WorcesterRight
19 Baltimore Reporter
20 Citizens For Greater Centreville

Once again the Eastern Shore ROCKS with Bloggers. Thanks for visiting and EAT YOUR HEART OUT BARRIE TILGHMAN! Remember Folks, even The Daily Times is a part of Blognetnews with their Blogs and they have yet to rank in the top 20.


  1. Like many things, you get out of it, what you put into it.....thus the Salisbury "Hot Sheet" not even making the top 20 ROFLMFAO

    No wonder, it's now Sunday and the paper still doesn't have a story or an update on the multiple shots fired at a party on South Division Street early Saturday morning!

    My friend told me at least 3 people were arrested right out in front of his house.

  2. Tim,

    I did immediately follow up on that story and as usual I have not received ANY information. As soon as I do I can assure you I will post something on it.

  3. Oh I don't doubt you Joe, this would be the first place I look to get that info.

    From what I was told the three that were arrested were party attendee's. The shooters are still on the loose.

  4. Hey, Joe, what's your take on the article referencing the delayed audit? I had to laugh at myself. I mean they say it's been "downgraded to opinion." What the hell does that mean?

  5. "imo, all depts. are spending everything they have & more...appropriately" ...is what that means. it's called "CYOA"


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