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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Vladimir Putin Ties Democrats to Soviet Communists and Says He Would Be Happy to Work with Joe Biden

Vladimir Putin told Rossiya TV this week that US Democrats remind him of the Soviet Communists.

He also said he would be happy to work with Joe Biden.

If elected, Biden would give kill the US energy sector and make the US and Western Europe dependent on Russian oil again.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attempted to mark a positive resemblance between Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Soviet communists in a wide-ranging interview with the Rossiya TV channel, released Wednesday as the 2020 vice presidential candidates prepared to debate.

The president said the Kremlin would be open to working with whoever sits in the Oval Office in 2021, despite U.S. intelligence reports indicating that Russia is trying to undermine Biden in the same way it did Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.


  1. We are the biggest producer of oil and our green house gasses are the lowest in 4 decades.

    1. 8:45
      Your family?

      Are you identifying with a corrupt government again, as if you are it and it is you?

    2. if that's true......than why is it hot in the summer, cold in the Winter ?

    3. 845 is pretending to be a part of the Saudi Prince’s family. Visions of grandeur

  2. Obama and Biden said 9 years ago we were out of oil and had to buy it from Russia and Saudi. This is for sure not true

    1. remember has 3, 4. 5 dollars a gallon under Obamee and Hiden Biden?

      Now Obamee and Biden are millionaires

  3. Clinton did all of the undermining of her campaign needed to fail the way it did. Her arrogance did her in, no Russian interference necessary.

  4. We all know Democrats side with & collude with Russia, just like in 2016 !!!

  5. Russia would love to work with Joe and Hillary and also with "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election" again. It was very profitable for all!

  6. 757 typical liberal hates America and supports abortion at any age for anything even infants. Life starts on the car ride home right? You support Two trillion tax increase And banning of all fossil fuel. “ faze them out” right ? Let me guess your typing in the basement alone wearing a mask. Science right? I’ll take freedoms with trump and pence.
    (Using internet short hand) if you don’t understand then you should leave the basement

  7. This is completely made up because Russia will neither confirm or deny ANYTHING.Therefore American journalists can say anything they wish without reprise.The truth is that our Democratic party has fought tooth and nail to make Russia our enemy when they are currently our ally.

  8. Harris would leave a wet spot on her chair after dealing with Putin. To put it another way, she would be the puddle.

    1. Your Typical liberal pos

    2. In other words she’ll be no different than Trump.

  9. If Putin ever took over America the Democrats
    would certainly be the First to DIE !! Fact

  10. Fake News Never reports all the Russian ties
    to Democrats !!! 2020 time to FIX that !!!

  11. Working WITH Biden to take over America !!!


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