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Monday, October 12, 2020

Trump campaign says Harris 'driving the bus' on court packing issue

The Trump campaign on Sunday questioned who was “driving the bus” for the Biden ticket on the issue of Supreme Court "packing" – suggesting former Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate Sen. Kamala Harris is making the campaign's call.

During a call on Sunday, Trump’s deputy campaign manager Justin Clark slammed the Democratic presidential nominee for continuing to dodge questions on whether he supports adding seats to the nine-member U.S. Supreme Court, where conservatives currently hold a majority.

“His unwillingness to answer this question is obviously an answer,” Clark said. “Joe Biden was previously opposed to packing the court. The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was also opposed to court-packing.”

Clark added: “Who is in control here? Biden-Harris? Or Harris-Biden?"

Clark went on to point to comments made by Harris, D-Calif., during the primaries, in which she said she was “open to the idea” of court-packing.

“I’d just like to know who is driving the bus on court-packing,” Clark said, warning that Democrats want to “monkey around with a court that has been stable in size for over 150 years.”

“What else are they going to change the rules on to bow to the radical left-wing mob?” Clark said.

Clark’s comments come as Democrats have threatened to add justices if President Trump’s nominee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who was tapped to fill the vacancy left by late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is confirmed ahead of the 2020 presidential election.


  1. Oh Kamala, sucking your way to success is going to stop in 2020

    President Trump is going to win in a landslide

    you can join AOC in her bar to do some lap dances..... events both you tramps know about

    1. Yes! There will be a landslide! And it will bury Trump!

  2. Domocrats > On the highway to Hell !!!

  3. When you can get away with a four year $47 million waste of tax payer money to overturn the last election with Joe Biden's blessing you have the nerve to do anything. When your whole family gets rich off of your job as VP without any consequence you have the nerve to do anything. I could go on and on . . . .

  4. Harris already called it a "Harris administration... (with Joe Biden.)"
    That ticket is punched and the Harris-Biden campaign has left the dock, looking voters who don't see the lie. Nobody on that boat can or will bail fast enough to keep it afloat, while no one's at the helm on its way to meeting the rocks on November 4th.

  5. Time to throw Harris Under the Bus !!! 2020

  6. Most likely will be an eleven member Biden appointed court.

  7. Her family owned Irish slaves

  8. Congress HAS been Packed & now it's time to
    Un-Pack the Democrats from it !!!

  9. Harris is a Racist / Igotist / Stuck-UP

    Monster / Democrat American Traitor !!!


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