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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Gov. Whitmer, Media Caught in Another Lie – Anarchist Arrested For Plot to Kidnap and Kill Whitmer Hates President Trump, ‘Trump is a Tyrant’ (VIDEO)

Early Thursday morning, federal agencies raided a house in Hartland, Michigan and arrested six men: Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Ty Garbin, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, and Brandon Caserta.

Whitmer immediately blamed the plot on President Trump telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.”

“Hate groups heard the president’s words as a rallying cry, as a call to action,” Whitmer said blaming white supremacists.

It turns out Brandon Caserta, one of anarchists who was arrested for plotting to kidnap Whitmer, actually hates President Trump and is on video calling Trump a “tyrant.”



  1. Looks LIKE they Hate HER Not Trump !! LOL

  2. He’s a BLM bum as well

  3. Multiple “Ruth Ginsbergs” — from Salisbury, Md., and Greensboro, N.C. — gladly paid for their ducats.

    By the time the Oct. 3 rally began in a commercial parking lot on the South Shore, the Trump-haters had shelled out $15,785 to buy more than 3,000 vouchers they had no intention of using.

    “They hate this president so much that they’re willing to donate to the Republican Party to troll him,” Lantry said.

    And the thousands of Trump-hating no-shows were barely missed. No seats were provided at the open-air rally, and the event drew 2,500 locals, who filmed a get-well message for Trump as he recuperated from his bout with COVID-19.

    “Thank you, progressives, for helping us put on a successful rally,” Lantry said.


    Thanks for helping Trump get re-elected numbskulls. lmao

  4. If this election doesn't happen soon, we'll all be crazy. The media, politicians, and citizens can't take much more insanity.


    Who was it that said that.... hmmm.....

  6. That whitmer has got to be one of the strangest looking things out their. It missed it's calling in life. It could have made a killing playing an alien woman in movies. It's sporting that forehead that takes up more then half it's face. Those semi bug looking eyes. Par for course though democrat women are a horrid looking bunch. That's is why they are all so miserable

    1. 8:19
      You are writing about the way she looks?
      Do you understand the issues?

  7. SHE is a Tyrant , thus pissed off her state !

  8. wow. what a bonehead. Even I know that any sort of lie in today's technologically connected society will blow up in your face.

    ...and I am not a smart man

  9. They're Antifa. So which party and specifically Kremella has been posting bond for these thugs?


    Co-founder of the Wolverine Militia was a Trump supporter, there are photos of him wearing Trump hats and re-election swag, his twitter feed was full of Trump supporting posts.

    Most of the members of this militia were Trump supporters. Barry Croft hailed Trump as "inspiring".

    Brandon Caserta is an Anarchist who hates ALL governement... so his comments are not surprising... but to use them to say that this group was not inspired by Trump, and that they didn't support Trump is being willfully ignorant of the fact.

  11. Let the Proud Boys have her !!! LOL LOL


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