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Friday, October 09, 2020

Trump Fact-Checks Liar Kamala Harris in Real-Time – Posts Video of Kamala and Joe Promising to Ban Fracking (VIDEO)

On Wednesday night during the vice presidential debate Kamala Harris lied to the American public saying Joe Biden did not want to ban fracking.

However that is not true.
Democrats have to lie about their plans because they know their positions are disastrous and unpopular.


  1. Truth is a pill on which the left chokes.

    1. 10:45 You dropped a truth bomb💥

  2. Fracking shale oil is the absolutely dumbest thing elitist corporations have done to humanity. The lies are ridiculous. Any one with a brain understands the process destroys water tables and poisons the land.

    Read about it for 5 minutes do you can have an informed opinion.

    It is a horrible practice and exactly the kind of thing government should stop.

    1. You’re crazy.... they wouldn’t even do it if not for Democrat regulations

  3. There are lots of vids out there where Donkey flip flopping has/continues to happen.

  4. I really don't get the point in defending fracking. It's been proven to be deadly to people in the surrounding area, and is expensive for how much potential fuel is actually extracted.

  5. She shook her head no to everything she was called out on, and people will believe her. You need to look at peoples past. How did they vote on issues, what kind of an education did they have. How did they move up the chain? She is hardly the poor black lady who has suffered and worked herself to death and can relate to the average person. She has never wanted for anything in her entire life and actually is quite privilaged. We know she is a sell out because she went from attacking Biden for his past issues with his sex abuse of women to how wonderful of a man he is just so she can be the first women President.....oh uh, Vice President; on the ticket anyway.

  6. Typical marxist tactic lies & deflection pay attention!!

  7. 10:45 kind of hard to tell the truth when this blog censors comments.

    1. 2:53 Ahhh but 10:45’s comment is the truth. 😁

    2. 2:53 - you are more than welcome to go elsewhere. Nobody is holding you hostage and forcing you to come here.

  8. Yes, the Videos Don't Lie , unlike the
    Democrats in them !!! LOL & Love it too

    & there are Plenty to play on Harris & Biden

  9. 10:52 and 11:46 (same person)

    This is why you libtards are loosing, you keep spouting lies about everything to the point that no one listens to you anymore.

    Your comment: "I really don't get the point in defending fracking. It's been proven to be deadly to people in the surrounding area, and is expensive for how much potential fuel is actually extracted."

    Is so ridiculous it's not even funny.

  10. Trump should play them all on next Debate !!

    Then Democrats would be FINISHED 2020 !!!

  11. Fracking is such a nonissue I imagine she forgot what was even said about it.

  12. @7:55 I was 11:46, I'm not the same guy as 10:52. What part of my comment is ridiculous? Watch the documentary Gasland. Fracking's dangerous. The tiny amount of oil extracted isn't worth the risks and damage that come with it.

  13. I'm 10:52 and I agree with 12:02 completely.
    The fracking issue is very simple: it is dangerous and causes irreparable damage to the earth in the area of the extraction. It uses very high pressure water injected into the crevices of the rock layers to break up the ground. This is done in order to extract the shale oil from the otherwise un-mineable areas of the earth. It damages water tables and is known to cause earth quakes and settling of structures in the area.

    Fracking is an obviously stupid idea that benefits only the corporation who extracts the oil. The company leaves behind a very damaged topography.

    1. yes, that topography is the cause of Global warming

  14. Play the Biden videos with his Girls !! LOL

  15. CameAlot Harris !!! We know her History !!!

  16. The only Fracking is the Demon-crat Party as
    it is Cracking !! LOL


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