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Friday, October 09, 2020

Republicans baffled by Pelosi's 25th Amendment suggestion, say she wants to 'stage a coup'

Republicans were baffled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Thursday suggestion that she might introduce a bill allowing a body appointed by Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office as he recovers from the novel coronavirus.
The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president to become acting president if it is determined that the president "is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office." Currently, the vice president and cabinet can invoke that amendment.

"Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow," Pelosi said. "We're going to be talking about the 25th Amendment."

Pelosi was referring to a bill she will unveil Friday with Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., that would allow Congress to establish a permanent body to determine whether the president is fit for office: an Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity. The bill is expected to reflect legislation that Raskin introduced in 2017.

Still, Pelosi would have to convince Senate Republicans to go along with it. Plus, Vice President Mike Pence would also have to sign the declaration as well, which would be highly unlikely.


  1. If there is anyone other than Biden that needs to be sanity checked, it's Pelosi.

    Pelosi needs to be removed and sent for treatment.

  2. The rules are in place. The only conceivable purposes would to be to give Nancy the power over the Executive branch of government and create more OrangeManBad narrative. Nancy needs to go and stand in the corner, facing it until her term is up.

  3. There's no reason to be alarmed, it's Nancy Pelosi. All she ever does are grand gestures like this that make it SEEM like she's doing something, but at the end of the day nothing actually gets accomplished and it's all for show.

  4. If this bill was by our congressman Raskin then he needs to be impeached along with Pelosi. When does he have to run to keep his seat, lets hope it's 2021 so we can get rid of another waste of air space.

    1. 11:55am Representatives are up for re-election every two years. Senators every 6 years. Basic high school government class facts. So he’s running this year.

  5. Stop and think that maybe she is doing this to get Biden out of office ASAP in case he actually wins? That way they can pave the way for Harris. Think about that for and cast your vote accordingly!

  6. She only said to get the conversation away from the disaster Harris. Republicans fall for it. Msm isn’t even talking about Harris anymore because she tanked so badly

  7. I think Nancy's real reason for her latest garbage, is because she thinks Biden is going to win the election and she wants to make sure that he won't be running the show.

  8. She is like a rabid squirrel.

  9. 11:37 - I think it has been painted as such, but really is the framework to install Harris shortly after the election. Think about it, she gets to look like she’s going after Trump again. Of course it gets shot down by the senate and the VP. She then says “Well, I tried” hoping that the election goes to Biden and then they can declare him unfit. The only problem with this charade is that there is already a process in place, so old crappy Nancy is fitfully engaging in wishful thinking. Either that or they know the external polls are crap and just trying to continue to do anything to keep the inevitable from happening. I extensively travel in the mid Atlantic for work, and my observation (far from scientific) is that i see A LOT more Trump/Pence signs all over the place, in a lot of yards and private property. I really do think Nancy can’t fathom this a long with the other flakes and they are just loosing it.

  10. Whether it is a business or in government there are individuals who have been employed there for such a long time that they actually believe they are irreplaceable and indispensable. They feel they are so important that chaos would prevail without them. When individuals reach this point it’s time for them to exit and allow someone who is less consumed by their own feelings of importance take over. It’s long past time for Nancy to go.

  11. Have faith in the checks and balances folks

  12. President Trump tweeted out this morning that Pelosi is doing this so they can get Biden out and (if elected) Kamala will be President.
    Conspiracy? Maybe but consider this. Bernie won the democratic primary and they got him out.
    It's a game to them. They could care less about the people - only the power.

  13. well most Americans are to ignorant & who stupid to realize that the vice president is the 1st step in this process. along with 8 cabinet members and then 21 days for Congress to do something about it !!!she's insane a marxist tool

  14. Bob Aswell ....RealistOctober 9, 2020 at 2:37 PM

    How long is it going to be before you guys wake up and send Pelosi and her disciples to the looney bin. I've heard more out-house, cockamamie, raw sewage come out of her mouth to last me a lifetime if I live to be 150!
    Please tell me when this Country is on trial for its life, that surely there's not a quorum of SANE voters who can't recognize the NUT is her.
    What kind of shit is it when any man, and Trump, contracts a disease and offers to test drugs not yet proven, is incompetent for delivering the information that he's feeling well, does a harm to the welfare of all? If this IS the case, than the precedent for new drug therapy applies to any and all who've overed a serious illness and owe it to new therapy and the drug.
    I'm close to the point that I fault the House for NOT, if there is a gaggle
    of those on the sane side, posing a question on the validity of having an impressionably insane (Pelosi) running the show and making decisions for millions of Americans to live by. Furthermore, isn't the fact that her, Schummer, Nadler and the rest of the Dumbocrat shills are obsessed with Trump's occupation of the White House, wholesalely sick and a detriment to
    the health and harmony and progress of the USA?
    If you DON'T vote in a manner that is a tongue in cheek remedy for the extinguishing of the confusion and dishonesty afoot in the Capital of this America that used to be a great place to live, I don't know how you live with yourselves. Certainly YOU cannot call yourself a patriotic and loyal American. May God deal with you on the merit of your actions.

  15. This is about being ready to remove Joe Biden and replace him with Kamala should they win

  16. I see no problem with it. Democrat or Republican they should be deemed fit so the masses don't pick some idiot, which we are bound to get either way in this election!

    1. The same "idiots" picked the "idiots" who are going to make sure the "masses" don't pick some "idiot".

  17. Its Biden she wants to depose, not Trump. If Biden gets elected she wants to get rid of him so her radical buddy, Harris, can take over.

  18. No, it’s not a coup, but it is indeed sedition. Minority Whip McCarthy needs to close the door on this.


  19. We need Rules to Remove Congressman instead !

  20. "You don't need God, you have the Democrats." Nancy Pelosi

  21. We Americans need to stop the bipartisan extremism here and realize our real foes, Russia and China, are fueling the fires of discontent with the riots, hate, division, etc. If we do not realize who our real enemies are we are doomed. All thanks to the foreign money that is being paid to our universities for foreign students to come here, steal our technology, and then go back home and use it against us. Many of our own politicians are a part of our enemy forces. Look at what they are doing, not what they are saying.

  22. She’s the third most powerful person in the country making statements like a lunatic.

  23. @6:02 Representatives and Senators need term limits. We also need to remove money from politics. Congressional Reps' terms are so short, once they're elected they immediately start planning for their next election two years later. They're constantly begging rich donors for money, and end up spending more time fundraising than actually doing their jobs. That's why they're so beholden to their rich donors and not their constituents.

  24. She is staging her own coupe !! Dummy !!!

    She will go after innocent Trump One time too
    many & it will come back & bite her !!

  25. If I were using the stuff(smoking etc) Pelosi is taking I might see the world in a different light

  26. I'll never fly. Same with eliminating the electoral college.


  27. A Bill in Congress needs to pass both houses and be signed by the President. Not gonna happen this year. It's just PR posturing by Pelousy.

    If there were ever a President BiteMe, his medical adviser Dr. Jill would have him veto it before 9 a.m. when the lid goes on.

  28. We Real America have God & Jesus on OUR side
    & we WILL Win Again & Again & get Rid of Bad
    Radical,Leftist,Traitor > Democrats 2020 !!!

  29. The New Coupe will be on HER Ousting 2020 !!

  30. Her arrogant ass has had too many chances
    & is LOOOOONG overdue to be kicked the Hell
    OUT of Congress !!! Lock her UP 2020 !!!

  31. Let's see HER Taxes !!!

  32. Pelosi already had her Coupe & it FAILED !!!


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