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Friday, October 09, 2020

President Trump Announces He Will Not Participate in Next Debate After Presidential Debate Commission Changes Debate Format to Virtual to Help Joe Biden

The Commission on Presidential Debates changed the format for the next debate without consulting the President.

The second presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will be virtual, the Commission for Presidential Debates said Thursday.

The change follows President Trump last week testing positive for the coronavirus.

The president said after the announcement that he would not participate.

“I’m not going to waste my time on a virtual debate. It’s not what debating is all about,” Trump reportedly said on the Fox Business Channel. “It’s ridiculous.”

The event will be at town hall style meeting with Trump and Biden at remote locations.

President Trump says the Commission is trying to help Biden.

The President said he will opt for a rally instead.


  1. They made it virtual because President Trump contracted COVID-19. This is a bad look for Trump, makes him look scared.

    1. They made it virtual because now they can feed Biden the answers. Trump can't win. Although I will agree he didn't have a good luck at the last debate. He's still the best choice. I can't believe anyone could think Biden is healthy enough and of sound mind to be our President. What Americans should be asking if what is the plan if Biden wins because we all know he won't serve as President for long. You can't believe that is best the democrats had? Nope he's not, but he's a good bluff they can control until they put into place the actually plan. Trump 20/20

    2. sure keep dreaming. Trump will be President forever.

  2. Would Trump not also have an advantage then?

  3. I wouldn't want to be in the same room as a super spreader either.

  4. No need to Waist time, like he says !!!

    All Democrat Moderators were a JOKE !!!

    It was He against TWO at the debate !!!

    Fake News needs to be Fixed in America !!!

    1. You clowns keep putting nails in your ⚰ coffin ⚰October 9, 2020 at 2:35 PM


      unfortunately some are trying to move to fast....like the dudes in Michigan

      we are witnessing the demise of the deep state

      They know President Trump will win in a landslide in 2020

      they are just preparing another hoax to waste our tax dollars on meetings

  5. Even at the VP debate it was Pence against 2 !!! & Pence Still WON & so did Trump !!!
    MAGA 2020 baby !!!

  6. After Harris crash the party is on life support.

  7. At a "virtual" debate, Biden would have a clutch of assistants feeding him his lines. Where's a true debate in that?

  8. It wasn't changed to help Biden. It was changed because Trump is still sick and contagious with a deadly disease.

  9. A virtual debate where Demented Joe can read answers from a teleprompter and have people signaling him and talking into hi ear.
    The questions will be fed to him in advance.

    Nice try, but no!

  10. Under the circumstances do you not think with a known infected person who he nor his family will not wear a mask even while Trump is infected,
    is this not a good choice? He performed on his reality TV show , what is the difference?

  11. How does this help Biden. Trump is the TV star it would seem to help him

  12. 10:49 would not Trump , who is trained in "assistants" be better off ????

  13. Because of The Marxist culture revolution the commies own 99.99% of the media. Pay attention. Also pay attention to who supports the lie. The commies do have a chorus.

  14. That Fly was a Drone from Pelosi spying on
    Pence !!!

  15. Well the next moderator (Steve Scully) worked as an intern in the office of then-senator Joe Biden. Now tell me how biased that would be????????????


  16. President made the right call. It would have been even more of a stacked deck than the 'normal' stacked deck Republican candidates face. There's no need for a debate commission and the 'prestige' members feel if nobody will participate. Somewhere in the intelligence community is the record of the call from the Biden campaign or his puppetmasters planting or directing the virtual move.

    Joe has chosen a catered affair at ABC, the Clinton-Little Georgie network where he'll be spoon fed.

    The President, at last report, is planning a live rally.

  17. Looks like the Democrat controlled Commission
    is the problem, just like the Democrat controlled News in America !!!

    Time to FIX that NOW !!! Also FIX Congress !!

  18. Anonymous said...
    They made it virtual because President Trump contracted COVID-19. This is a bad look for Trump, makes him look scared.

    October 9, 2020 at 9:37 AM

    If you really think Trump is scared then you are one ignorant FOOL! Trump knows that Lyin Biden's Campaign will spoon-feed him all the answers. DUH!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Would Trump not also have an advantage then?

    October 9, 2020 at 9:37 AM

    No, because Trump does everything on his own and doesn't subscribe to cheating. Trump's point is to let Lyin Biden look like a fool on his own. DUH!

  20. Anonymous said...
    They made it virtual because now they can feed Biden the answers. Trump can't win. Although I will agree he didn't have a good luck at the last debate. He's still the best choice. I can't believe anyone could think Biden is healthy enough and of sound mind to be our President. What Americans should be asking if what is the plan if Biden wins because we all know he won't serve as President for long. You can't believe that is best the democrats had? Nope he's not, but he's a good bluff they can control until they put into place the actually plan. Trump 20/20

    October 9, 2020 at 11:43 AM

    WTF are you trying to spew??

  21. Anonymous said...
    Under the circumstances do you not think with a known infected person who he nor his family will not wear a mask even while Trump is infected,
    is this not a good choice? He performed on his reality TV show , what is the difference?

    October 9, 2020 at 1:30 PM

    Boy the Libtards are trying their best! LMFAO

  22. Anonymous said...
    10:49 would not Trump , who is trained in "assistants" be better off ????

    October 9, 2020 at 1:31 PM

    WTH are you babbling??

  23. Anonymous said...
    How does this help Biden. Trump is the TV star it would seem to help him

    October 9, 2020 at 1:30 PM

    What are you trying to say??

  24. Anonymous said...
    sure keep dreaming. Trump will be President forever.

    October 9, 2020 at 7:40 PM

    What an idiot!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Looks like the Democrat controlled Commission
    is the problem, just like the Democrat controlled News in America !!!

    Time to FIX that NOW !!! Also FIX Congress !!

    October 10, 2020 at 9:47 AM

    That means vote Republican and means real Republicans. Not the Carl "Cornbread" Anderton RINO's and his RINO supporters like Bunky Luffman, Marc McIver, Nate Sansom, Linda Luffman, Jamie Dykes, Mary Beth Carrozza, Mike Lewis, Wendy Asspacher RINO's et. al.

    Never ever vote for these RINO's again!

  26. I suggest the Deep State (intelligence) has much more power and control of the US government than most people realize. It may be total control at this point in time. It murderred a POTUS and got away with it . . . 58 years ago!

    Barry worked for intelligence.
    Ditto for Slick Willy.
    Papa Bush and W were intelligence from the start - with Papa involved in 1962.
    Nixon was under their control, hence the meaning of Watergate.

    Trump is 33rd Degree and Chabad Lubavitcher.
    His lawyer was a Cohen.
    Wake up

  27. No Debates needed !! America has Already decided >> TRUMP 2020 !!

    Democrats are Toast !!!

  28. Biden afraid to do another one anyway & he
    knows he would LOOOOOSE !!!!

  29. Guess Biden will have to talk to himself on
    his big debate !!! LOL LOL

  30. There are NO unbiased reporters to serve as
    Moderator , unless OAN is used !! Fact


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