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Friday, October 09, 2020

Portland mayoral candidate spotted with skirt featuring photos of communist leaders

A photo of the leading candidate for mayor of Portland, Ore., has resurfaced showing her wearing a skirt patterned with the faces of famous Communist dictators.

Sarah Iannarone — who, like all other candidates in the race, is unaffiliated with a political party — can be seen in the photo, shared earlier this week by independent journalist Andy Ngo, wearing a skirt covered in the faces of Che Guevara, Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin.

Iannarone is beating incumbent Mayor Ted Wheeler in the race, which uses a nonpartisan voting system in local elections, by upward of 11 points, according to the latest survey from local newspaper Willamette Week, published Monday.

The mother and Portland State University educator paired her Communist garb with a shirt from her campaign merchandise, bearing her first name.

Beside her posed an unidentified man with spiked hair, an odd-fitting white suit, and what appeared to be a black shirt and clerical collar.

A representative for Iannarone did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.

The progressive candidate told the Willamette Week late last month that she supported defunding the police, stating, “We must listen to our BIPOC community on issues impacting them most.”


  1. That is one scary person - I looked her up and found some anti-patriot positions in her closet!

  2. Stalin alone killed six times as many people as Hitler. The Khmer Rouge slaughtered more than a third of the population of Cambodia. Communists in Eastern Europe and worldwide tortured Christians. Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was directly controlled by the Soviets.Obama's CIA director voted for the CPUSA candidate for president in 1980.Unrepentant 60s-era communists are educating American teachers today. Marxist are attacking our nation...BELIEVE IT

  3. Who gives a crap, no one!!! That is why they keep voting for socialism and communism!!! And that is why everyone goes along with suggestions not laws, and demonize people because they themselves are un-educated and scared of the boogey man...

  4. If she gets elected sounds like the city of Portland is lost and probably best to have let ANTIFA and BLM destroy it.

  5. At least they stopped hiding who they are

  6. Thomas Edison DID NOT event light bulb it was a BLACK MAN. China is not a threat

    1. He also invented m’f’er, along with many, many stupid sayings, words etc. Tom E had nothing to do with those.

    2. 2:41 China isn’t a threat? Bless you’re heart. Go read a book🙄

    3. Wrong a black man did not invent the lightbulb, Edison did . Lewis Howard Latimer Worked for Edison and did help make improvements to the incandescent lightbulb. You need to do some research instead of listening to liars before you open your mouth and make a fool of yourself!

  7. Look at those two simpletons. What has happened to to U.S.A. So fast to put it in a downward spin? Soro’s should be put down along with other communists traitors.

  8. Who you gonna call, IDIOT?

  9. All because some participation trophy generation and whinny spolied ingrate snowflakes think karl marx is a hero...news flash he was a low life LOSERS. He never worked A-day in his life mooched off family & friends Everything he wrote from his poetry his plays and his babblings about communism are based from the dark nightmares of his sick mind. A puss boil boy, lazy, reclusive, ughly, Smelly, unsanitary some of his children died from his lack of sanitary conditions in his home. Hated his father despised his mother once she cut off his mooching.He hung out with other losers lazy worthless bums, Communist, atheists He never knew what it meant to work a farm or any hard labor. His only real connection with a working person was his maid who, he never paid,and he knocked up then denied he fathered a child by her. His sucker pal loser freind engles said it was his kid. (What a loser) His poems, plays, manifestos are all about his hatred for GOD anything good, pure, but yet embraced satanic ideals. Born in a jewish family who converted to lutheran, died a stupid, broke old athiest fool! THATS YOUR HERO!! Russia is the biggest graveyard to his legacy..that does not include the other nations implementing twisted failure of a system.

    Here’s an example from Marx’s poem, “The Pale Maiden” (1837):

    Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited,
    I know it full well.
    My soul, once true to God,
    Is chosen for Hell.

    The Black Book of Communism, edited by Stephane Courtois details the Marxist-Leninist death toll in the 20th century. Here is the breakdown: USSR, 20 million deaths; China, 65 million; Vietnam, 1 million; North Korea and Cambodia, 2 million each; Eastern Europe, 1 million; and about 3.5 million in Latin America, Africa and Afghanistan. These figures understate those detailed by Professor R.J. Rummel in Death by Government. He finds that from 1917 until its collapse, the Soviet Union murdered or caused the death of 61 million people, mostly its own citizens. From 1949 to 1976, Communist China’s Mao Zedong regime was responsible for the death of as many as 78 million of its own citizens.

    1. sounds like Bernie Sanders resume you wrote about too

  10. And they'll elect this communist beeeatch...put a giant fence around Portland... keep them away from any normal person!

  11. Marx and Engels put this belief in one simple phrase, writing, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Theory is one thing. In practice, however, the anti-individualism that Marxism represents has resulted in the devaluing of human life and the ownership of people, as well as what they produce, and property by the state and massive cleansing (deaths)

  12. Any reprobate who supports Chairman Mao is a walking disease; an abomination to all humanity who deserves to be fed into a wood-chipper. Feet first, to prolong the traitor's agony.

  13. She is typical of the Democrat Party. They are Socialist/Progressive/Communist/Democrat Party. These whackos have hijacked the former Democrat Party and the Democrats are too STUPID to realize what happened and they support them blindly. Stupid idiots!

  14. This has been going on for years behind the scenes. Reminiscent of 1930s Germany which led to Hitler takeover. Wake up, America!

  15. That’s the New Democrat party for ya.

  16. There was a time in this country that she would have been tried for treason!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Thomas Edison DID NOT event light bulb it was a BLACK MAN. China is not a threat

    October 9, 2020 at 2:41 PM

    You are correct, Thomas Edison DID NOT "event" the light bulb, he invented it. The "black man" wasn't educated enough to invent it and neither are you!

    China is not a threat? Please explain, you uneducated Snowflake!

    These dumb White Cowards have been so indoctrinated they have no clue what they are talking about and they love to spew their talking points making them look stupid.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Who gives a crap, no one!!! That is why they keep voting for socialism and communism!!! And that is why everyone goes along with suggestions not laws, and demonize people because they themselves are un-educated and scared of the boogey man...

    October 9, 2020 at 1:51 PM

    Who gives a crap? No one? Are you really that F'n uneducated? You really are a pitiful snowflake!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Look at those two simpletons. What has happened to to U.S.A. So fast to put it in a downward spin? Soro’s should be put down along with other communists traitors.

    October 9, 2020 at 2:58 PM

    I've been saying for the last 4 years that Trump should have ordered his CIA to take out Soros. That is Trumps biggest mistake by allowing Soros to continue what he is doing to this country. His other big mistake was not cleaning house when he took office. He left too many left wing Obama lovers in place.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Any reprobate who supports Chairman Mao is a walking disease; an abomination to all humanity who deserves to be fed into a wood-chipper. Feet first, to prolong the traitor's agony.

    October 9, 2020 at 5:11 PM

    I agree!

  21. These are all Carl "Cornbread" Anderton and Jake Day heroes!

  22. To all the confused. In simple terms.Idealogy wise! This election...KARL MARX or THOMAS JEFFRSON!!

  23. Is she wearing the Putin panties under that or did she go for the Trotsky thong?

  24. Why is it liberal women are so ugly


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