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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Rep. Doug Collins introduces resolution to push for Pelosi removal as House speaker

Rep. Doug Collins on Monday introduced a resolution to push for the removal of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, claiming she “does not have the mental fitness” to lead the House of Representatives.

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unwillingness to abide by the Constitution, combined with her recent actions, call into question her own mental fitness, which is why it’s critical that the House of Representatives demand her removal from the line of succession,” Collins said in a statement to Fox News.

A draft of Collins’ resolution, obtained by Fox News, argues that Pelosi “is unable to adequately serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives and should therefore be removed from her position.”

The resolution states that Pelosi “has spent the majority of the House of Representative’s time pursuing baseless and fruitless investigations” against President Trump and his administration, including launching an impeachment inquiry against him in the fall of 2019.


  1. can't call them baseless and fruitless if they sit on McConnels desk for 7 months or he shoots them down outright like the stimulus discussions.

  2. While we're doing stupid stuff lets get rid of social security and medicare that the younger generation will never receive because the idiots in charge are drying it up. They're socialist anyway right?!

  3. This is nothing but a counterbalance, but it is necessary to have a republican voice push back. Neither Pelosi’s mess nor Collins’ will go anywhere until at least Nov. 4 (or later if the election becomes contested). After the election is decided will be the time to watch

  4. What an utter joke. He and his bonehead accomplices need to be working on a Covid relief package before the entire economy craters.

    1. She tuned down 1.8 TRILLION DOLLARS and Turned down 1200 dollars for all Americans. You liberals are freakin disaster

  5. This crazy bi-ch needs to be put out to pasture

    1. You know what is done with a horse that has a broken leg.....well she is broken, bent and leaning. What’s the difference, she is of no more use than the horse.

  6. Don't witches have to be burned?

    1. I've got matches, wood and two Oak trees

      Her and Hillary.... bring em over

  7. 4:09

    No, I think you can just throw a bucket of water on her and then she will melt.

  8. Yes and with gasoline

  9. Get her the HELL OUT 2020 !!!
    In Russia or China she Would be Shot !!!

  10. I can’t wait to poop on her grave!

  11. Pelosi not quite the level of mental fitness as Biden but coming in a close second. She needs to be removed I don't know how she got this last position as speaker of the house, needs to be replaced with someone with more competency and not groping at every 15 minutes attention from the media she can get.

  12. 2:00 PM - You need to be telling Pelosi about the package for the people. After all she filled it up with her wishes like giving stimulus to ILLEGAL immigrants, mass prison release, ballot harvesting, voter ID ban, cashless bail to people arrested and these are the things holding up the package.

  13. She should be in PRISON !!! Speaker of
    female Block !!!

  14. 10:03 I thought conservatives were against handouts in the form of 'socialism'? Now that liberals are thinking about the debt the country is in and rejecting these stimulus packages that the middle class will be taxed with paying back, you're crying about it. How about get a job? Get off your behind and stop expecting the working class to pay for you and your kids...GO TO WORK. Donald Trump paid $750 in federal taxes, surely you don't think he and his rich buddies are footing the tax bill on all this free money. The chicken plants are hiring, Burger King is hiring....get a job leech.

    1. You don’t know what President Donald J. Trump (your president) paid in taxes and I don’t care. The man had saved our country money by making other countries pay up, than all past presidents. Well the last in office wasn’t a president, he was a bum that fooled they people in voting for him twice (except me).

    2. You probably work for the government and are sitting at home on your ass getting paid to do nothing

  15. 1:57 “Now that liberals are thinking about the debt ..” bahahaha How does it feel to always have to grasp for straws?


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