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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Trump says WHO admitted he’s right on COVID-19 lockdowns

President Trump on Monday celebrated recent remarks by a World Health Organization leader that indefinite COVID-19 lockdowns are bad.

“The World Health Organization, did you see what happened? They came out a little while ago and they admitted that Donald Trump was right,” Trump said during a large rally in Sanford, Fla. — his first after recovering from the coronavirus.

“The lockdowns are doing tremendous damage to these Democrat-run states where they are locked down, sealed up. Suicide rates, drug rates, alcoholism, death by so many different forms. You can’t do that,” Trump said.

Trump slammed Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for saying in August he would seek to re-impose harsh restrictions if scientists advised it.

“Biden would terminate our recovery, delay the vaccine, prolong the pandemic and annihilate Florida’s economy with a draconian, unscientific lockdown — that’s what he wants to do, lock it down, lock it down everybody,” Trump told the crowd.

“And you know what? If you don’t feel good about going out, stay, relax, stay. You know the risk groups, you know the older people.”


  1. WHO, Fauci, China, Gates, Democrats all keep changing stories about the Coronavirus have been telling different stories everyday. I believe none of them at all. There is no doubt in my mind they are all in cahoots together with the virus anyway and China owns WHO.

  2. 85 to 90 percent of all COVID patients said they always wear a mask. Per cdc

  3. 8:18 the masks are all about people wanting to show off. They are people who have major issues in life no self esteem and no self worth being a few. They walk around with a mask on because they have a compelling need to prove something to others. They have to prove how righteous they are. How "kind" they are. The are imbeciles The "science" says and this is not debatable so don't anyone dare try that the china virus is spread by close contact for 15 mins. This means for a mask to be effective in any way you must wear a mask 24/7 the most important place being in your home if others are around. These people who want to show off with their masks in public aren't wearing them at home.

  4. 8:18...masks don't prevent you from getting COVID, they keep you from spreading your germs to others. This has been stated over and over again. Just proves you COIVIDIOTS don't listen.

    1. It's not a one way mask...germs and virus particles go out when you talk, speak, cough and sneeze. Liken a mask to a chain link fence trying to stop flies from getting in your yard. It might stop a few that hit the links, but most just fly right through.

  5. Great analogy 9:43!

  6. Read the disclaimer on the box, folks.


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