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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

California hires Democratic operatives for "Get Out The Vote" effort

California is using federal taxpayer money to fund a “Team Biden" voter turnout program in possible violation of the law, according to lawmakers and documents obtained by "Tucker Carlson .

The state of California announced in August that it had awarded a $35 million contract to SKDKnickerbocker to produce materials to encourage voters to participate in the November election.

The firm will run California’s “Vote Safe California” campaign and will work to increase turnout.

The firm, SKDKnickerbocker, proudly says that it is “Team Biden” on its website. Its managing director Anita Dunn is a senior aide for Democratic nominee Joe Biden's campaign.

Reps. James Comer, R-Ky., Rodney Davis, R-Ill., and Jody Hice, R-Ga., sent a letter to Patricia Layfield, Inspector General of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, requesting an investigation of the "highly questionable" contract. Comer is ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

"This was a no-bid contract awarded to a partisan company," Comer told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Monday. "To get out the vote, they’re going to have to microtarget voters. In order to do that, they’re going to have to have sensitive voter data from the secretary of state’s office. ... We’re not going to let this go."

"Documents ... appear to show that the California Secretary of State’s Office is attempting to use Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grant money from the CARES Act to fund the contract. If true, this is a violation of law," the lawmakers wrote in a letter obtained by "Tucker Carlson Tonight”


  1. AKA.. Marxist agitators

  2. The left has never represented anything close to a majority of the American people. And it never will. This has been the case throughout history, wherever hard-left Marxist elements have sought to overtake a nation. So they must magnify the perception of their numbers, in order to cow the bulk of the population into retreat, and eventual submission. That is precisely the course the leftists are taking in America. But their evil plan became truly dangerous, the moment it was embraced by the Democrat Party.

  3. California hires Democratic operatives for "Steal the Election" effort.

    There , I fixed it.

  4. 12:27 how would you know? Most of them are kept from voting by shady tactics.

  5. Hey 12:34 I'd rather it be that way than have my party be endorsed by the KKK and Taliban!

    1. Wow 1:33 so your comment just proves how stupid and ignorant you are. A Mindless parrot. Read up fool. Taliban and KKK are products of the democrats.

  6. One party was endorsed by the taliban, the other was not. Take your pick.

  7. The practice of ballot harvesting in California creates significant vulnerabilities in the chain-of-custody of ballots because individuals collecting ballots are not required to be registered voters and are not required to identify themselves at a voter’s home, and the State does not track how many ballots are harvested in an election. Now they are coming up with another way to steal more. Most cities have more than 125% of people voting out of 100% of which everyone knows 100% never vote.

  8. The Californian Republican party admit as well to placing misleading FAKE ballot boxes around the state.

  9. For the Illegals to get out & Vote !! like
    2016 !!!

  10. Any more marxist lies and deflective comments 1:33?
    Hopefully your mom will let you go to the polls with her, to see how it works.

    Then When you grow up Maybe she will dance for your dollar too.

    The you can spend your soros trolling paycheck on strippers instead of voting and spare us your studity.

    There fixed it for you troll

  11. That’s the way Democrats roll. One hand feeds the other while we have to pay the bill. Wake up people.


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