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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New immigrant statue to replace Columbus as Buffalo declares Italian Heritage Month

Buffalo Mayor Byron W. Brown joined with members of the Federation of Italian-American Societies on Sunday to declare October as Italian Heritage Month, while also unveiling a rendering of the planned new immigrants monument to replace the Christopher Columbus statue that was voluntarily removed in July.

While still a hero to many Italian-Americans, Columbus is now also criticized as a colonizer who helped bring slavery and diseases to the New World, prompting a deeper review into his contributions, and calls to remove his name from parks and public displays.

The Federation removed the original statue from Columbus Park on Buffalo's West Side on July 10 to prevent further vandalism and damage, in the wake of civil unrest and a growing backlash against the famed explorer.


  1. Fun fact: Columbus was a Spanish citizen and lived 350 years Before Italy ever existed....but real history means nothing in trump world...

    1. No 11:16 history means nothing to you ignorant snowflakes.trying to burn it all down..
      Here is a fun fact for you!!!
      Take your TDS and shove it till your eyes bleed. This HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP, but allot to do with followers of KARL MARX!!!

      Supporters of the “Italian” origin point to Columbus’ own writings from late in his life, including his will, in which he purportedly claimed to be from Genoa italy. However, relatively few surviving, contemporary accounts support this. Despite Columbus’ successes, Genoese ambassadors in Spain did not claim him as their own in their correspondence, and unlike other explorers who sailed under Spain’s flag, official government documents make no reference to Columbus as a foreigner.

    2. Mmm, interesting observation. Especially when history has nothing to do with the Trump agenda. That's the whacky left trying to change historical facts to suit themselves. And the fun fact you stated is something we all learned in elementary school. You don't need to be a genius to realize that.

    3. Exactly what makes a fact fun?

  2. No columbus is not the problem. THE STINK AND ROT OF CPUSA, communist party USA is the real problem. WHY IS THE staue of lenin still allowed in seattle? If they want to talk about death from idealogy lets start with lenin

    The Black Book of Communism, edited by Stephane Courtois details the Marxist-Leninist death toll in the 20th century. Here is the breakdown: USSR, 20 million deaths; China, 65 million; Vietnam, 1 million; North Korea and Cambodia, 2 million each; Eastern Europe, 1 million; and about 3.5 million in Latin America, Africa and Afghanistan. These figures understate those detailed by Professor R.J. Rummel in Death by Government. He finds that from 1917 until its collapse, the Soviet Union murdered or caused the death of 61 million people, mostly its own citizens. From 1949 to 1976, Communist China’s Mao Zedong regime was responsible for the death of as many as 78 million of its own people

    1. Biden’s family owned slaves. Cancel him?

  3. They could erect a statue of a black Italian Person but make sure the gender is unrecognizable

  4. I don't get why conservatives feel a need to protect Christopher Columbus. Columbus didn't discover America, and had nothing to do with the founding of this country. Hell, we might as well erect statues to all the Vikings that landed in North America 400 years before Columbus.

    If you think Columbus discovered North America, and therefore needs to be upheld and some kind of hero or icon of the United States, it's just proof you didn't pay attention in history class after second grade.

  5. Real history means nothing to the bizzaro world of blm biden harris democrats . They are trying to destroy it but President Trump will put them in their place in 3 weeks ! The real history behind Columbus is that he was the son of a tradesman who started sailing at age 10 and was born in Genoa Italy . The purpose of his voyage was to establish trade with the far indies to help finance the crusade against muslim invaders to take Jerusalem back.He is and was a hero until some marxist idiot, Howard Zinn wrote a book condemning him which was then taught in our public school system. All lands on this Earth were conquered by war, blood sweat and tears . The communist and their form of government are responsible for more deaths, wars and anguish we dont need that here VOTE TRUMP 2020

  6. While still a hero to many Italian-Americans, Columbus is now also criticized as a colonizer who helped bring slavery and diseases to the New World, prompting a deeper review into his contributions, and calls to remove his name from parks and public displays.

    Proves these idiots don't know history.

    1. 3:44. While still a hero to many democrat marxists, biden is now being touted as a useful idiot who helped bring other ignorant tools and blind sheep to the New World order. The democrat socialist is Blinded by stupity to lost to see they fight for luciferian marxists! prompting a deeper review of their contributions, and a call to bannish these marxist revoltionaries from parks and public displays.

      Lets Start with lenin staue in seattle

      There fix it for you troll tool!

  7. Anonymous said...
    Fun fact: Columbus was a Spanish citizen and lived 350 years Before Italy ever existed....but real history means nothing in trump world...

    October 13, 2020 at 11:16 AM

    Here's another fun fact. You love the Hershey Highway.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Fun fact: Columbus was a Spanish citizen and lived 350 years Before Italy ever existed....but real history means nothing in trump world...

    October 13, 2020 at 11:16 AM

    Typical Libtard spreading FAKE NEWS!

    Here is the truth:

    Columbus was born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa, part of what is now Italy. In his 20s he moved to Lisbon, Portugal, and later resettled in Spain, which remained his home base for the duration of his life.

    Italy was the homeland of the Romans and the metropole of the Roman Empire. Rome was founded as a Kingdom in 753 BC and became a Republic in 509 BC, when the monarchy was overthrown in favor of a government of the Senate and the People.

    Columbus is still an Italian no matter what fake news you liberal morons want to lie about.

  9. @7:48 You need to see a doctor. Take your meds.


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