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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

“White Lives Matter” painted on a rock at Kent State U. It’s being considered a “direct threat” to black students.

As part of their legacy of protest and student dissent, a large boulder known as “the front campus rock” has been “historically” available to students as a surface to paint messages on.

It is, as one might imagine, an ugly concatenation of discordant hues and symbols, all lacking any semblance of artistic coordination. Regardless, this boulder and the graffiti that covers it, are a matter of pride to Kent U students.

That is, until someone painted the “hurtful” statement “WHITE LIVES MATTER” on the rock on August 28. The White Lives Matter slogan (WLM) was painted over an obnoxious demand associated with the Marxist group Black Lives Matter (BLM). The demand is “Say their names.”

The University's President has now set up an "anti-racism" task force.


  1. Northwest Woodsman: Definitely a racist issue except that in this case, it is directed at Caucasians. I guess some negros got their feelings hurt because it was not about them. I think everyone is starting to realize that appeasing their ridiculous demands only results in further demands as they test the limits of our patience. I for one, have no patience with them, their demands, and their parasitic lifestyle.

  2. But Black Lives Matter isn't??

  3. Colleges who teach this nonsense should be defunded of all tax dollars.

  4. Is black lives matter a threat to whites?

  5. If" Black Lives Matter" is determined to not be racist how can "White Lives Matter" be seen any different. If we went back to the way the world was before the 2016 election and Democrat loss and their need to draw a line in the sand we would be back to a world much simpler and not filled with hate and it would be "All lives Matter" which is how we all should feel about each other. It is what God would want, and before that gets started whatever religion each of us seek. Let's just be happy to be Americans and know that we are blessed.

  6. WHITE LIVES matter
    WHITE LIVES matter
    WHITE LIVES matter
    WHITE LIVES matter
    WHITE LIVES matter
    WHITE LIVES matter

  7. It goes both ways
    Get over it

  8. Caucasians Count?
    Can that be a statement of fact without being a ‘rebuttal’? Or is ANY response a direct threat? Whites should walk around with tape over their mouths.

  9. Good, that means blm is a “direct threat” to WHITE students. That make the sign down at Broad Skreet offensive to this old WHITE man. Clean up our streets.

  10. Really calling the kettle black ...

  11. love it.....love it

    Make America White again

  12. It is a direct threat , so what . I'm white and I matter . Better stop BLM now , lock and load forever .

  13. Let me axe you blacks, why do you have a black student union? You are invited into a school where there is a student union. No WHITE union, just a plain student union body. You couldn’t wait to get there apparently or you would not have. Then you need a black this and that. Are you racist or what? Inquiring minds want to know. I’m not offended, don’t give a chit.

  14. Anything Whites do is Wrong in the eyes of Black Racists !!!!

  15. Northwest Woodsman: Since my latest comment on this article has not been included, I can only conclude that a negro sympathizer is per scanning comments tonight. Truth and facts don’t matter so I can only assume that they are Biden voters.

  16. Just like Salisbury University they did it themselves

  17. The Civil War is looming and I can't wait. It's going to be interesting.

    White Lives Matter!!

    Blue Lives Matter!!

    All Lives Matter!!

    Black Coffee Matters!

    Locked and Loaded!!

  18. America is a Majority WHITE country & so those Who don't like it Leave !

    America is also Majority a Christian Country, same goes for that too , if
    ya Don't like it > TUFF Leave !!!

    Whites don't owe Anyone anything , they Saved the world in WW2 !!!!

  19. All lives matter! Why can't we get it?

  20. White History Month
    Affirmative Action for Whites
    Whit-ish Show
    White Culture Matters

  21. The best sign I saw was when someone had the idea put an 0 in front of ‘lives’ -black Olives matter.

  22. Black Racists DON'T Matter !!!!


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