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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Appeals Court Says Transgender Students May Use Restroom of Choice

A federal court decided last week that schools can’t ban students from using the restroom that matches their desired gender identity, in what BuzzFeed News called “a significant legal win for transgender rights.”

The 2-1 decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit comes five years after Gavin Grimm sued the Gloucester County School Board for refusing to allow Grimm, then a high school student, to use the boys’ bathroom despite being a biological female.

Judge Henry Floyd, an Obama nominee, wrote the majority decision for Gavin Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board, and it’s practically a transgender manifesto.

“At the heart of this appeal is whether equal protection and Title IX can protect transgender students from school bathroom policies that prohibit them from affirming their gender. We join a growing consensus of courts in holding that the answer is resoundingly yes,” Floyd wrote.



  1. That's fine but soon as a "boy" touches my daughter inappropriately, I will be bringing hell on every single person that even had a hand in it all the way to the person to made the photocopies of the paperwork!!!

  2. Riduculous!!!!! More democratic stupidity

  3. This case was always going to the Supreme Court.

  4. Whatever they feel like that day !! Whoooo

  5. I wish I was in was in school now, especially for gym class
    (snicker snicker)

  6. Why can't we just ship all these derange lunatics to California and just be done with all of this crap

  7. Cool.

    More destruction of the values that hold society together.

    This judge should be hauled out and quartered.

  8. Circus show....come see a man dressed like a womanSeptember 9, 2020 at 6:55 PM

    once one of these freaks touches someone

    Lawsuits out the ass

  9. Too Much Choice !!! You ARE What you were Born > Period !!!

    So use that one !!!


  10. What about the rights of normal students who don't want a mentally ill person of the opposite sex beside them in the restroom? Guess the solution is an outdoor sink beside a row of porta potties.

  11. Another outstanding PEDOPHILE judge who is a CREEP.

  12. This was never an issue until people got all fake outraged and made it an issue.

    People just want to use the facilities for what they were intended for.

    A pervert and a predator is going to be and do so regardless of any laws, so to pretend that is the reason is a red herring.

    Forcing a transgender to use the potty other than what they identify as actually increases the chances they will be attacked or brutalized... not the other way around.

    I don't know about all of you weirdos... but when I go to the bathroom, I'm not real interested in what anyone else is doing in there, I'm there to take care of my business... why are you so interested in what anyone else is doing in there?

  13. What about Other people in the bathrooms Who Don't want opposite
    Genders in there with them, What about their Rights ???? esp Women ?

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Hey, does this mean I can call myself a transgender and hangout in women’s locker rooms? Cool! Thanks Pedomarxist democrats, you made my day.

  15. Thank goodness for regularity. I seldom frequent public restrooms. Who knew they have become so sexualized and places of so many's fears and fantasies ? Perhaps I'll by stock in Depends.


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