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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

How American Civil Society Depends on Marriage, Family

American civil society is facing a serious domestic threat: Marriage is decliningand family stability with it.

Between 1962 and 2019, the percentage of women ages 15 to 44 who were married fell by nearly 30%, according to a recent report from the Social Capital Project of the congressional Joint Economic Committee Republicans.

The number of children born outside of wedlock grew from just 5% in 1960 to 40% in 2019.

“Stable two-parent families in a community are some of the most powerful predictors of the health of the American Dream for poor kids,” W. Bradford Wilcox, a University of Virginia sociology professor and senior fellow at the Institute for Family Studies, told The Daily Signal in an email.



  1. And thus Democrats denounce it

  2. It was made more affordable for women to have children and unmarried and by whom? The left. All the free programs, WIC, food stamps, housing, “so called” education which make the other programs pay out more, school lunches, daycare and taxes. A single parent can make bank if they play the system. And then if one can find a disability that is even more money. So hair and nails looking good off the government supported programs. And then all the therapy that is needed opens up for even more paid programs. Where is it that when two lay down and make a baby, they pay for that baby, support it and take care of it themselves?

    1. Shamika of Section 8 in DaburySeptember 9, 2020 at 8:17 PM

      I nots paying noffin...

      looky here.... i works hard to gets my free housing, free utilities, free transportation, and du odder free stuff you sayin

      so, you white Supremacist gets back to work and give me more reparations

  3. The American Dream.
    Chicken in every pot car in every drive baby at every tit. No one gets out alive.

  4. The dumbocrats and their policies have destroyed the black community, and the blacks keep voting them in.

    Stupid stupid stupid.

  5. Less problems when being an unwed mother was shameful and churches supported it. But alas the luciferian excrement show is what we get today. A twisted broken illogical approach to raising children. Ghetto after ghetto of fatherless brainwashed misfits compliment of uncle sams overreach.

  6. The Left has been slowly and surely moving us toward total government control, offering abortion as a women's health issue, preferentially choosing less qualified for jobs because of race, providing passes on actual academic achievement based on race, stipulating race quotas in company managerial and board positions, preferential academic hiring and advancement of those who espouse Marxist theory, teaching of Leftist idealogies as early as preschool, debasing nuclear families to weaken those close bonds in favor of government run community, and on and on.
    Science predicts each of these as antithetical to the survival of the species, each pointing toward an end of humanity not just as a species, but as a viable concept.

    1. As much as I don't agree with abortion on a fundamental level, it is truly scary to think about how much worse our society would be if it wasn't available. They'd all have 15 on welfare programs instead of 10. It sure wouldn't stop anyone from getting pregnant irresponsibly. Until we talk about mandated tubal ligation in exchange for welfare benefits (including disability) this is going to stay a massive problem.

  7. It Depends on keeping Democrats OUT of Power in America !!!! FACT

  8. Cleaning up the swamp a Must 2020 !!!


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