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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Virginia Republicans Sign ‘Police Pledge’ to Back the Blue

The Virginia Republican Party is vowing to stand in support of law enforcement.

“We have seen countless attacks on our brave law enforcement officers, citizens, and neighborhoods,” Rich Anderson, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, said Thursday, announcing the state GOP’s commitment to supportinglaw enforcement on its website.

“It is critical to our national fabric that every Virginian and every American support the selfless men and women who serve as sworn and badged law enforcement personnel, provide for our public safety, serve our citizens, and ensure that families live in orderly and peaceful communities,” Anderson said Friday in a statement emailed to The Daily Signal.

He said his party has signed a pledge spearheaded by Heritage Action for America’s “Fight for America” campaign, which is designed to advocate American values, oppose the extremism of the far left, and support both law enforcement and accountability in the education system.


1 comment:

  1. Why oh Why is a pledge needed by politico's?

    They always go against pledges they make. We vote them in thinking they will do what we believe and POOF they do what they want.



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