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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Alabama football coach Nick Saban leads hundreds of athletes in Black Lives Matter march

Hundreds of University of Alabama athletes marched on campus on Monday to protest against racial injustice, with football coach Nick Saban appearing to lead the crowd in photos and video of the event.
Athletes were seen donning "Black Lives Matter" and "Defend Black Lives" shirts as well as signs as they joined in the demonstrations, which according to AL.com including a march from Mal Moore athletic facility to Foster Auditorium’s schoolhouse door, followed by speeches from Saban and others.
The schoolhouse door once served as the infamous background of Alabama Gov. George Wallace resisting desegregation in 1963.


  1. Meanwhile during a pandemic

  2. The seeds of satans deception to further devide inflame and instill hatred. ALL LIVES MATTER STOP THE LIE OF BLM!!!

    1. If all lives mattered you wouldn’t be crying over wearing a mask nor would it kill you to say ‘black lives matter’ too. Donald Trump is causing the divide and stoking the flames. You’ve been told this thousands of times, when will you finally believe it?

    2. Drink some more cool-aid 8:36, your almost there.

  3. Why would you support a terrorist group who want to overthrow our government! Oh! Look what the percentage of blacks on his team!

  4. So much for his legacy. I guess he's not as smart as he thought he was. Why do whites enjoy having blacks make asses out of them?? He thinks he's getting praised by BLACKS. When in reality they are laughing at another whiteboy.

  5. A man has the right to earn a living, Saban is in the south and he knows exactly what the majority of his athletes have to go through! Good for him!

  6. Now, let's hear all of you say: ROLL TIDE ROLL

  7. Nick Saban is a POS and I hope someone throat punches that idiot. I am sick of these White Cowards pandering to the left and these Coco Puffs.

  8. To any decent person left who loves the Baltimore Ravens might want to read this and then let us know what you think about the Ravens and the NFL.

    Baltimore Ravens make official statement with specific demands for social justice


    Statement from the Baltimore Ravens:

    With yet another example of racial discrimination with the shooting of Jacob Blake, and the unlawful abuse of peaceful protesters, we MUST unify as a society. It is imperative that all people – regardless of race, religion, creed or belief – come together to say, ‘Enough is enough!’

    This is bigger than sports. Racism is embedded in the fabric of our nation’s foundation and is a blemish on our country’s history. If we are to change course and make our world a better place, we must face this problem head-on and act now to enact positive change.

    It is time to accept accountability and acknowledge the ramifications of slavery and racial injustice.

  9. I'm not sure what planet these BLM people live on but certainly isn't USA blacks have more opportunity, education housing funding assistance. The lie that more blacks are killed by police officers is just a deception. The hate of BLM, well what they are doing is adding to it and doing the opposite.

  10. I must live in a bubble. In all of my 40 years working for the US government Blacks were always on top of every one's list of what was important the Bkacks to the point of reverse discrimination. What in God's name do they want now? Why do you think there are so many Blacks in the Federal Government.

  11. 1:52


    This BLM movement is a racist anti white movement that also has roots in communism.

    There is no racism embedded into the fabric of our nations founding. THAT IS JUST A COMPLETELY FALSE STATEMENT.

  12. Nick "I failed in the NFL..I quit the NFL and went back to college so I could be in total charge" Saban.

    Give him cred for going back for the money - but thats absolutely it. Without his coaches, he becomes Sleepy Nick.

  13. Yeah night owl 147am...he is definitely a POS.

  14. Good for you if your not going to watch sports. Its people like you that has kept this country divided all these years. keyboard warrior the more you talk the more we can confirm what POS you are! America will never be great as long as racist like you.

    1. Yep, I'm a racist, more and more every day.

  15. So what the article is saying is that "The Plantation Master is leading his slaves in a parade" Without black athletes coach Saban is out of a job.


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