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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Army investigating officer who made Holocaust joke in viral video BY REBECCA KLAR - 08/31/20 07:07 PM EDT

The Army says it is investigating an officer who reportedly made a joke about Jews being killed in the Holocaust in a video posted to TikTok.
The video was shared on Twitter showing a user with the account “_itsnate” making an anti-Semitic joke and adding that “if you get offended, get the f--- out because it’s a joke.” The soldier was identified by Task and Purpose and Stars and Stripes as 2nd Lt. Nathan Freihofer.
Freihofer reportedly had nearly 3 million followers on TikTok.


  1. We do not tolerate wrong think or wrong speak in the US. Joking is the worst speak of all.

  2. I’m on the deep end, watch as I dive in.

  3. Don't ever mention defending the Constitution again.

  4. One way to get out of the military early. With females it was pregnancy😂😂😂. All joking aside. What happened to the Jews by Hilter is real and not a joke. If America is not careful we could be headed to a Communist country by the Left.

  5. We cannot criticize Jews
    Absolutely end of the line.
    Caucasians? No problem.

  6. 612 agreed. saying its a joke is a cop out.


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