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Thursday, September 03, 2020

U.S. postal chaos prompts Democrats to reassess mail-ballot plan

Turmoil at the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is causing some Democrats and local election officials to rethink their vote-by-mail strategies for November’s presidential election, shifting emphasis to drop boxes and early voting that bypass the post office.
The 2020 contest promises to be the nation’s largest test of voting by mail. But U.S. President Donald Trump’s relentless, unsubstantiated attacks on mail balloting, along with cost-cutting that has delayed mail service nationwide, have sown worry and confusion among many voters.
Democratic officials who just weeks ago were touting their dominance in mail balloting during a recent rash of primaries are now cautioning supporters of presidential challenger Joe Biden to be wary. Operatives in battleground states, including Pennsylvania, are particularly concerned about ballots arriving too late to count for the Nov. 3 election.
“We are considering telling voters that if they haven’t mailed out their complete ballot by Oct. 15, don’t bother. Instead, vote in person or drop off the ballot” at an elections office, said Joe Foster, the chairman of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County, the most populous of Philadelphia’s suburban counties. “We want to make sure every vote counts.”



  1. Why don't we all vote twice, like POTUS instructed North Carolina to do. Oh wait that's yet another encouragement from the President to break the law.

    1. Please STFU. You sound so freaking stupid. WBOC CRACKHEAD???

  2. expand early voting and election day voting. Some countries have voting for a week, would spread out the in petdon contacts.

  3. That's because their idea to cheat might not be a good one. They thought they would push this through without any pushback. Let's be honest. The REPUBLICANS have been sucking each other's thumb for 4 years NOW. Allowing our great President fight these POS on his own.

  4. The truth of the matter is this. Anyone who mails in their ballots won't be counted. FACT. Some judge somewhere will count them as fraudulent. So if you want your VOTE to count?? Get off your ass. Get a MASK. And go into your polling place.

  5. Cheaters (Democrats) are being watched 2020 !!! NO more cheating !!!

  6. So you libtard dumbocrats came up with the cheat by mail scheme, and Trump basically says we can use it to cheat too.


    Another boomerang idea by the dumbocrats!

  7. Thank God we have the electoral college.

    You Dummycraps can cheat all you want in the inner cities, but the rest of the country will just cancel you.

  8. Democrats Cheat & Blame it on the Russians !!! Like 2016 !!!

  9. If Trump were to Lose , You know Democrats Cheated 2020 !!!
    ONLY way they could EVER win is to Cheat !!! FACT


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