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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Democrats Can't Go 1 Full Day Without Being Insane

Happy Hump Day friends and readers. If there’s whiskey in your coffee this morning we all understand at this point.
A popular, oft-used refrain regarding the Democrats these past few years is: all they had to do was not be insane. The implication there is that things on the Republican side of the aisle are pretty crazy and the Democrats had a low bar to clear. We can debate that (I disagree) in depth another day. It is, however, plain for all to see that the Democrats have indeed lost they’re freakin’ minds.
I am reminded of a conversation I had with one of my first cousins. He’s always been liberal, more progressive than Democrat these days, so we mostly talk about food and music now. While having lunch late last fall he wandered into politics and asked me where I “was on the whole Trump thing.” I calmly explained what I liked — all of it having to do with policy — but concluded by saying that what keeps me supporting him is the fact that nearly everyone on the left has become a lunatic.
This morning’s subject of mental instability comes from our nation’s capital. Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser — a Democrat, of course — has put together a group to determine whether the Washington Monument is a racist symbol of oppression or something.
Like I said, insane.
“We believe strongly that all District of Columbia owned public spaces, facilities and commemorative works should only honor those individuals who exemplified those values such as equity, opportunity, and diversity that DC residents hold dear,” the committee’s chairs, Bowser advisor Beverly Perry and public library director Richard Reyes-Gavilan, wrote in a letter introducing the report.
The commission analyzed historical figures commemorated in public monuments according to eight “DC values”: accessibility, diversity, equity, livability, opportunity, prosperity, resilience, and safety. They examined whether such figures participated in slavery, supported “systemic racism,” supported the “oppression of persons of color and/or women,” was a member of “any supremacist organization,” or violated the D.C. Human Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on “age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and national origin.”


  1. I would fire anyone with a biden hat at my company but have never seen one. Do they even make any for that loser --LOL

    1. I would try not to hire them in the first place.

  2. Tear all the monuments down, close all the museums, stop sll the tourist dollars supporting your city. Put up a statue to all your beloved criminals- George Floyd, travon Martin, Eric Gardner. You might as well tear down the MLK statue as you now longer support his ideals and goals.

  3. DC is owned by America!!!

  4. I really loving watching these libtards implode.

    T.D.S. has a good effect on them.

  5. Can't go One Full Day without attacking Trump, (and America) !!!!

  6. Notice the refusal to use the word Washington?


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