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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Dr. Carrie Madej warns of the nanotechnology used in the rushed vaccine


  1. Per BBC News this is a false claim

    1. 1:55
      Keep looking and searching for the truth
      It is dark because the elites are dark

      Numerology and Kaballa
      Islam was created by Rabbis

  2. Jihad is the path to freedom.

    1. No jihad in the usa!! Christian/Judaism

  3. 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

  4. There is no fighting back in Christianity less you willingly not adhere to your book. If the book has to be disregarded when it's convenient then you have an issue with the doctrine.

  5. Wrong. Take up the sword against the enemies of God. Ignore 5:18.

  6. OH Yes, Govt can & will get a vaccine when they get tired of paying
    Americans $$$$$ , because they want you to again Pay them your $$$

    They could get one for cancer too if they wanted to, but they DON'T
    because that is used for population control !!!!

    1. 8:01
      They print US Dollars from thin air.
      Wake up

  7. @6:23 Is that your gospel or one in the bible? Enlighten us. Of course I know you didn't really read the thread nor understand the context, but you have the floor pastor, show us in the bible where Christianity calls you to arms and then let us know when to turn the other cheek and love your enemies or when to kill in Christ name is determined.

  8. When Jesus spoke the truth what did we do? We condemned him. Look up Elon Musk or The Gates Foundation.

  9. 11:42 You are the unicorn of special kind of stupid aren't you? Are you one of those people who takes everything so literal where you say, you don't believe in God becasue who created god, if god created us? And you are so naive to think that time, and space and life just randomly came about on it's own with no help? there is noting, poof everything and it is random and had no help? Yeah go back to sleep slave!!! If you don't like god that is your choice, but don't go trying to demonize everyone because you are closed minded and take things so literal... They call it faith for a reason, you believe in something you don't know if it is 100% real or not!

  10. @254 Like the other you have a reading comprehension issue. Read the entire thread, each post, and try to discern context. It matters.

    I don't believe God is real, I know God is real. The issue is Christians who have espoused a doctrine of pacifism for generations now trying to back peddle on that doctrine when I said Jihad is the path because they would rather disregard their book than hear a Quranic thought.

    You see the Quran does not have a doctrine problem. You are not just allowed to defend yourselves from evil but mandated by God to do so with a threat of the hellfire for cowardice. In modern Christianity any form of resistance is shunned because to do otherwise would validate the same portions of the Quran they often like to use to show violence.

    You see personally, I don't give a rat's arse whether it's a crusade or a jihad as long as you who say you believe in God are prepared to fight, kill, and die to preserve our way of life. That's all that matters to me. But until I hear Christians preparing to do so against this threat we all see and dropping the hippy pacifist version of Christ of turning the other cheek and waiting for Jesus to fix the issue then JIHAD WILL BE THE PATH TO FREEDOM.


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