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Saturday, September 05, 2020

They Got Him: Antifa Punk Shot and Killed By Federal Agents After He Reportedly Pulled a Gun

We all know Portland is out of control. Leftist mayhem has engulfed the city for months. Mayor Ted Wheeler, who told President Trump to “stay away” in a letter, has been forced to relocate after his apartment complex was besieged by these clowns. Yeah, Trump offered federal assistance in getting his city under control. It’s no longer about George Floyd or racial justice in the Rose City. It’s about Marxism. The most unhinged far-left elements are in the city and they’re targeting folks they hate. This group reportedly murdered a Trump and law enforcement supporter last week. Bronson covered it. Aaron Danielson was gunned down by these left-wing punks. Now, federal agents had located the prime suspect in this brutal act of left-wing violence. He was killed after reportedly pulling a gun (via Associated Press):



  1. Live by the sword die by the sword.
    Adios punk!

  2. Your only 2 days late .

  3. Cudos to law enforcement.Some badass wanna be...He was a coward for running up to an unarmed man and shooting for no threat to him or others. Killed for hatred of the messager. Deserved lead poisioning, died from covid but will still vote in Nov.

  4. That’s awesome ! This is the model which all ANTIFA and BLM treasonous Marxists should be held ... shoot them in the street

  5. I would rather he were captured and tried after November, by dead runs a close second.

  6. Yes they finally did the right thing....live ammunition, no rubber just lead!!!

  7. And the good news is finally starting to come out.

  8. Good! Now shoot to kill the rest of the rioters.


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