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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Tucker shreds Biden for elevating Jacob Blake Sr. to 'position of greater moral authority'

Judging by what he has written online, Jacob Blake Sr. does not oppose bigotry,' Carlson said. 'He's enthusiastically for it.'

Recent posts from Blake Sr. repeatedly accused "pink toed" Jews of controlling the media and financial institutions; characterized White people as “crackers” and labeled African-American Trump supporters as "coons."

On his Facebook page, Blake Sr. also expressed "100%" support for the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan.

"So the guy who denounces 'Cracker Jews' is now a civil rights leader in our country but that's only possible because the 'Joe Biden for President' campaign has decided that he is," Carlson said.

Biden elevated Jacob Blake Sr. to a position of greater prominence in this country and greater moral authority.


  1. of course biden would defend blake. They are birds of a feather. both sexual offenders who did the exact same thing. Forcefully and against the will of their victims shoved their fingers up their victims vaginas. That anyone would give either the time of day speaks to that person own lack of morals and anything that is good.

  2. So...this is Biden’s base? Game over.

  3. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Disgusting. Both of them. Black silence equals violence.

  4. Yes this is the Biden base,Trump 2020!

  5. When you are not sure of the truth, here's a good barometer of what to believe --
    listen to any democrat and know that the truth is exactly OPPOSITE of what they are saying.
    It doesn't matter what the subject is....it's almost like we are watching re-runs of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao.
    They seem to believe if they KEEP SAYING something, CNN will sooner or later (always sooner, unfortunately) breathlessly publish it as the God's honest truth. It is proven in poll after poll!!
    Innocent black men, pillars of the community (the PRISON community), scholars, and preachers, mostly, who were just walking down the street passing out money to the poor and wondering about the safety of all the mothers of their various children, were wantonly and without excuse or reason, viciously gunned down by racist white cops.
    Who then FAKED their extensive criminal history and doctored the video of these righteous and honorable men fighting and shooting at the police.
    Keep saying it.

    The police have killed more white people, by numbers and by pure ratio, then black people BY FAR.
    The difference?? White people know they got what their punk ass deserved and WE would have shot them ourselves if need be.
    We don't hold up drug dealers, wife - no, scratch that - bit*h-beaters, ex-felons, drunkards, gamblers, and welfare cheats as ANYTHING honorable.
    We condemn low-life trash. Black people make them HEROES.
    And NO ONE will ever win an election in the USA by praising punks, criminals, and killers as "victims" in this great country.
    But biden and all his liberal yes-men think THIS is the road to the White House.
    Trump will PAVE the road to the White House with their skins.

    60 days to crying time.....LOL!!!


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